Kapelle-op-Den-Bos In Kapelle-op-den-Bos have just about two hundred people Tuesday night a silent vigil held for Mathias Dooms. The 17-year-old pupil of Saint-Theresiacollege came Friday afternoon to life when he and his bike under a bus of The Line ended up. With the silent parade wanted the inhabitants of their support to the family and the school.

Friday at about 16.10 hours cycled the 17-year-old Mathias Dooms of St. Theresiacollege in the Veldstraat in Kapelle-op-den-Bos home. At the crossroads of the Oudstrijdersstraat and the Spoorwegstraat ran, however wrong. The boy rode on the fietssuggestiestrook in the Oudstrijdersstraat and was hit by a bus of The Line that is right on the Spoorwegstraat in turned. The local police declared immediately that it is a dodehoekongeval went. The driver put a negative breath test. On the school bus of The Line were a few fellow students of Mathias. They saw everything happen.

The death of 17-year-old footballer of Delta Londerzeel hit many of the inhabitants of Kapelle-op-den-Bos in like a bomb. So it is with Ronan Christiaens, who in the Spoorwegstraat lives. In memory of Mathias Dooms, he organized the Tuesday night a silent procession to 19 hours at the Saint-Theresiacollege left. “From the neighborhood came the demand to organize something for the family and the school,” said Ronan Christiaens. “This kind of stories emerges often in the media, but when it is in your own municipality happens, you stand still just a little bit more quiet. With this silent vigil, we wanted our support to the family and the teachers and management of Saint-Theresiacollege.”