Already in the beginning of the 2010s did Uppsalaföretaget, B&M system Development AB, a project in Stockholm, sweden together with Peab to look at the possibilities to improve the efficiency of halkbekämpningen.

– we Can not halkbekämpa where it is needed, rather than to halkbekämpa everything? thinking Mats Wärme, business developer at B & M systems Development.

väderprognostik to predict exactly where, along a certain väglänk, as it is likely to be slipping. It does, however, now. The B&M system Development, saw that the time was ripe to automate and modernise the industry for de-icing.

Mats Wärme, business developer at B & M systems Development. Photo: Matilda Nilsson

in recent years, the company has together with the Swedish national road and transportinstitut, VTI, and vägdriftsentreprenören Svevia tried a new system linking data from weather forecasts with the management of the on duty supervisor and proceed to the navigation system in the saltbilen. The digital technology delivers weather forecasts about where it gets content first on a certain stretch of road and give suggestions to the on duty supervisor about the appropriate routes for salting, as well as how many halkbekämpningsfordon which should be out in traffic. If the on-call supervisor accepts the proposals he or she sends his orders directly to saltbilsförarna. Via a mobile phone or a tablet, the driver gets his route for the day.

that his work be simplified and improved. He should be able to focus on driving, ” says Per Bergstrom, ceo and co-founder behind the company.

When positioneringstekniken came it was a part snöröjare not even wanted it in the car. They felt monitored. Some tore out the GPS so the signal disappeared, ” says Per Bergstrom. Photo: Matilda Nilsson

The dynamic system is linked to the navigation equipment in the car and through the voice of the driver may map information and know exactly where the car should be salty.

– currently need the driver to regulate the actual saltspridarens on – and avslagning, but we have an ongoing project with Svevia and Falköping workshops, where we look at how we can automate the entire saltdelen, ” says Mats Wärme.

the environmental benefits to the salt law, that is to say, on the road sections where it is needed. Material and resource consumption is expected to decline by between 15% and 25% per season, according to a new report from VTI.

– to my knowledge there is here, not somewhere else in the world. We move realtidsväder all the way to the car. We have automated everything except decisions, ” says Mats Heating.

For the small company to push the development in different industries. It is not enough to invent, one must see the usefulness of the product as well.

“We want to put speed in the market and get customers,” says Per Bergstrom.

– It is about complex solutions that benefit the entire industry, Mats Wärme.

the road has been long. When positioneringstekniken came it was a part snöröjare not even wanted it in the car. They felt monitored. Some tore out the GPS so the signal disappeared.

But since then, much has happened. The industry has been digitized. Per Bergström siar to halkbekämpningen will be automated further with the self-driven saltbilar. It is in the future.

In winter, the dynamic de-icing be tested harshly 50-60 vehicles in Umeå, sweden, Enköping, sweden and Blekinge and in some parts of Sweden and Skåne.