Champions League The very bold tackle from Virgil Van Dijk on Dries Mertens miserable last night. Not least in the Champions League studio of Proximus Sports , where there are between analysts, Wesley Sonck and Franky Van der Elst, supported by moderator Niko Lainé, an animated discussion was based after the Dutchman only a yellow was given. Sonck defended Van Dijk. “If not, you need to start indoor football.”

Still no quarter was played in Liverpool – Napoli or Dries Mertens bumped in the direction of sidelines. A happiness that he is still on their own could: the tackle that Virgil Van Dijk him against the ground worked was filthy. The Dutch central defender had the ball, but went in with the left foot full on the shin of Mertens. Yet a happiness that Mertens could immediately jump up and not much later, even his match to continue. After 67 minutes he was replaced by Owned.

also Read Dries Mertens stirred tension on the direction of cracker between Liverpool and Napoli with a striking anecdote from 2010: “’Is this?’, I thought”

In the studio Proximus Sports was the conscious phase substance to the discussion during the break. Which Luckily for the striking recorded for the Dutchman. “Van Dijk has first the ball and then he can get his foot on that fraction of a second yet it does not drain? This is an accident,” said the former striker Sonck, who held that Mertens is simply too late to the ball. “Dries has the ball. If he ‘m first had weggetikt, this is the meaning Of Dike in the wrong.”