It shall be hell being a woman in power

Johannes Klenell read the biographies of the two kicked partitoppar

There will be two very different books about partiledaröden when Åsa Romson and Anna Kinberg Batra makes the balance of its time in power. But the theme is still similar in a time when the media climate, everything went faster. In which the conscious misunderstanding over trifles, ambiguity or felsägningar could bring down a top politician. It is also, of course, an insight in how men and women are treated differently in the corridors of power.

It is easy to feel with Kinberg Batra, when she idiotförklaras of the youth circle after having said that stockholmers are smarter than lantisar. So, even when she happens to be in a ran, when a statement of her been interpreted as meaning that she believes that Falun is situated in the mountains. Kinberg Batra should always be someone else than she is. She is human so she is too emotional. She is cold and practical, she read like a robot.

It feels honest, but also a little woman. Gone is the feminist and sometimes completely naive peppery with pink glitter and unicorns that defined the beginning of the tens.

the Spin-off of a large part of the electorate after the Conservatives opened up for negotiations with The sweden democrats will be in the Inside also a matter of balancing between the male and female. The conservatives have defined the two groups of the electorate called ”Lennart” and ”Bahar”. Lennart has begun to approach The sweden democrats, or is already there. Bahar is located closer to the reinfeldt’s nymoderata posture and definitely do not want to see the party approaching brunhögern. Then she goes to the Centre party.

Kinberg Batra is torn between the perspectives in order to hold together his party. At the same time squeezed she of the organization to take every chance to trap Stefan Löfvens minority government. It is an instructive insight into the Conservatives hard partikultur. And it becomes to some extent an explanation as to why we have the parliamentary situation that we have today.

the Situation in the opinion weaken all the more. The party leader severely criticized because they do not shed the government despite the fact that neither the Centre party or the Liberals want to do this. Criticism is raised against the that she did not set aside defence minister Peter Hultqvist and gone for hard to former finance minister Anders Borg after a media exposed fyllefadäs at a party.

Kinberg Batra resigned and was replaced by a man. A year before an election. Moderates are, as Kinberg Batra is writing, rarely nice to each other.

Even the green Party has its problems with how men and women are judged different. Romson describes himself as environmental activist who became a politician. And it is also the image that appears in the From congestion charges in Stockholm to climate agreement in Paris.

A pragmatic politician who is accustomed to work together and make blocköverskridande agreements. Which will again and again get to see their activism give way to a socialist party with an environmental perspective, fostered by the IF Metall.

And this at a time when the optimistic activism increasingly dismissed as embarrassing, unrealistic and naive of a screaming run on social media that makes handhjärtan.

Romson drawn with all the queerer scandals. At first it was a toxic båtfärg. Then it was alleged that she did not know where Auschwitz lay after a participation in the satirprogrammet think Tank.

Romson had also been accused of belittling the holocaust when she used the same concentration camp as a metaphor for flyktingdöden on the Mediterranean sea. Opponents as well as lost, they were angry with over that she would have reduced the victims of the terrorist attack against the concert venue, the Bataclan. This to she the same evening, wrote on Twitter that the climate summit in Paris could be threatened.

being a minister of the environment, with a historically important agreement on the climate front, should reasonably inform if this played no longer any role. Then it was already too late. Romson could no longer do anything right.

After the party was shaken by revelations about what could be the entrism of the islamists in the northern marianas and both mouthpieces who are gone out of the defense for partitoppen Mehmet Kaplan needed something to be done. And Romson had to go both as a spokesperson and the minister, despite the fact that she, to my knowledge, attended to his duties as minister of the environment is beyond reproach. The male spokesperson was left.

Greens is perhaps not always so please.

the Purely literary is no of books no masterpiece. But it is part of the genre. Romsons book is so woody written that I sometimes have a hard time keeping myself awake during the reading. The book’s first third if the processes behind the Stockholm congestion charging system and Hornsgatans dubbdäcksförbud is no publikfrieri.

Kinberg Batra is on the other hand very inviting, engaging and personal, but the book suffers from a language full of repetitions that should be fixed in a redigeringsrunda. Maybe stressades the process of a willingness to get out the book before the government was completed.

The angular language, however, provides a certain amount of raw refreshing strength as in: ”So I woke up in the house in Bohuslän, said hello to the family, la in a laundry, and fell asleep again. Woke up again, kayaked for a while and was bitten by some small animal on the arm, beat the animal, paddled home, and fell asleep again.”

I am surprised that Kinberg Batra describes how she was on a trip to Amsterdam, before the decision is made to drop into SD, visit Vermetzmuseum. Thus, the museum of the resistance during the second world war. There, she learns that different social groups had different media and concepts of society. The passage of the filter bubble. How the division led to the polarization of the who let the evil take over. To the conclusion that the policy should let a right-wing populist party, stepped out of the white maktrörelsen, in the heat is beyond me.

Partiledarlitteraturen is a genre whose main purpose is to be a sort of ”my history”. An opportunity for the politician to give his perspective on his career. And there are two very skilled politician who appears in both from the Inside and From the london congestion charge in Stockholm to climate agreement in Paris. They have, in a difficult political position for both parties negotiated and compromised. Not rarely with their own political values at stake.

Kinberg Batra comes from a mostly liberal background with a global open marknadskapitalistiskt perspective. Her own family is multicultural. Still compromised her, for what she saw as the party’s best in a conservative nationalist direction with closed borders.

Activist Romson compromised with asylmottagandet in order not to break down the party’s climate policy project, when the social democrats closed the borders. And paid with the people’s mockery of her tears.

It’s hell to be a woman in power in the days when more and more is Lennart which dictates the conditions.

It says something about our time that it is the first time I read sentences like ”It is human to say the wrong and the political discourse must accomplish that there is a person talking” or the question ”should I have stood on me?” in a partiledarbok. It feels honest, but also a little woman. Gone is the feminist and sometimes completely naive peppery with pink glitter and unicorns that defined the beginning of the tens.

Therefore, I am extremely uplifted when Kinberg Batra will let a quote from the tv series Game of Thrones definition of what leadership is:

”To be klandrad of a lot of efterkloka little pussies.”

From the london congestion charge in Stockholm to climate agreement in Paris

Albert Bonniers förlag