a Few days before the Aargau upper court decides as a second instance on the fate of the Rupperswiler quadruple murderer Thomas N., shoots the psychiatrist Frank Urbaniok in an Interview with CH Media violently against his colleague, Elmar Habermeyer and Josef Sachs. The two have examined the perpetrators of psychiatric.

The longtime chief physician of the Psychological-Psychiatric service of the Canton of Zurich (PPD), as commander-in-chief Meyer and Sachs, the most renowned forensic psychiatrists in Switzerland can “not understand” that his colleagues Thomas N. keep treatable. Your statement is not supported “technically”.


appointed tables by The two psychiatrists identified narcissistic, and compulsive personality disorder, and pedophilia would say something about the illness of the offender – anything but hazardous. It’ll stay open, which is why N. had murdered the four people. The diagnosed disorders were the reason for the killings, “there is in Switzerland every week such an act,” says Urbaniok, the resigned for cancer this summer, as chief physician of the PPD.

And further: “If you don’t know why someone of a fact committed, then you don’t know what would have to change so that the risk of a relapse is reduced.” Therefore, one could not say, Thomas N. was treatable. In other words: “A permanent Untherapierbarkeit you can’t exclude the possibility.” By analogy, Urbaniok, in the case of Rupperswil calls for the arrangement of the lifelong incarceration.

The Lucerne’s top judge Marianne Heer, who is an expert in the area of the mass took to the right, is “outraged” by the behaviour of the 56-year-old psychiatrist. “It is a targeted intervention in a pending court procedure,” she says. “He acts as self-appointed referee, and abused his authority as a recognized professional.” It is surprising that Urbaniok make a assessment without knowing the files.

According to the army such interference jeopardizes the independence of the judiciary. It refers to the fact that the psychiatrist in the case, Rupperswil competent state made its arguments appear in the next few days as well as an article in a legal journal, in advance, among other things, a lawyer. “Such behavior is frowned upon.”

Frank Urbaniok criticized in the Interview, not only his professional colleagues but also to the Federal court and in connection with lifelong incarceration. According to the Lausanne judges this measure should be ordered only if with one hundred percent certainty, that the perpetrator was until the end of his life untherapierbar. This approach was “wrong” and lead to the indefinite incarceration of “ad absurdum”.

A plea for lifesupport-long detention

chief justice of the army considers this criticism to be inappropriate. With such an interpretation of the applicable Law, Urbaniok don’t judge a question of law, in which he is “competent”. He use to be a plea for the toughest measure in the Swiss criminal law, in order to help “his political stance to the breakthrough”.

“irritated Very heavily” on the timing and the manner of Urbanioks interference is also his former boss, Thomas Manhart. Three days prior to the proceedings before the Supreme court wasting Urbaniok belonging to a monkey without the strong shot psychiatrist would have a Chance to speak, says the chief of the Zurich office for judicial enforcement.

He find his comments generally interesting, says Manhart. But where Urbaniok lost as a non-lawyer in legal fields, he could not follow him “at all”. Only from the fact that you could not shoot in the case of Thomas N. rule out the possibility that he was permanently treatable, should not be a life-long detention. This suggests Urbaniok with his argument but at least.

Manharts Boss, the Zurich Director of Justice Jacqueline Fehr, evaluated Urbanioks Manifestations far more positive. “Well, if you listen to the professional and sharp thinker, Frank Urbaniok,” tweeted she.

It only nochum the custody

Urbanioks statements are explosive. Top judge Marianne Heer considers that it is not excluded that the 56-Year-old influenced his approach to the Aargau upper court judge. “Not all the judges can cope with the big expectations of the Public, in such a exceptional procedure, so easily.”

Controversial are the statements of the psychiatrist, because tomorrow will be the Thursday before the upper court of the Canton of Aargau only to the question of whether Thomas N., for life, properly or not kept.

In March 2018 was sentenced the 35-Year-old from the district court of Lenzburg for murder and other offences to life imprisonment with a subsequent extraordinary safekeeping.

at the same time, the court ordered that, on the Basis of the two opinions – and outpatient therapy while in the prison system. The conviction and sentence are now final.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 11.12.2018, 20:31 PM