Donald Trump does not drink alcohol, but if he did, he would order the Trump Chardonnay, 2016, from his winery in Virginia. “One of our most Popular,” says the bartender, before he gives the glass to the sample SIP. The wine tastes like, you have to admit, surprisingly good: fresh and balanced, not nearly as perfumed, such as American white wines of this variety are often. The glass costs $ 17, and it is here, at the Bar of the Trump International Hotel, a bargain. Anyone who wants can also spend locker 2650 dollars for a drink, a bottle of champagne from Krug, Vintage 1998.

of Course, trump’s Name is on the food map. For $ 120 it is the “Trump Tower”, an imposing mountain of lobster meat (a pound), oysters (eight pieces), clams, and shrimp (four pieces) and a blue crab Cocktail. But most people come for the food here, or due to Trumps Chardonnay, not because of the pungent House-the Sounds, the blaring from the speakers above the Bar. But because the luxury hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue has become a political meeting place. A mix of power center, club house and a place of pilgrimage. A bridge-head of the Conservative in a left-wing city, which opposes the President, and despises still.

On this night, a lot of men pushing themselves to the white decorated Christmas tree in the huge Atrium, striking in pin-stripe suits, the hair with Gel and combed back. The women, often dyed blonde, short dresses and high boots. You are because of a book here, the Corey Lewandowski has written, Trumps the earlier of the election campaign chief. Party strategists and donors, the employees of parliamentarians and of right think-tanks.

By the amount of Kelly Anne Conway slides, one of trump’s closest advisers, she shakes hands, smiling and posing for a Selfie. A lot of people are in a queue, to let Lewandowski a book-signing. As a dedication he scribbles the battle cry against the “swamp” of Washington: “drain the swamp”.

500 rooms for the Saudis

the Trump International Hotel is according to many long-even a swamp. Not only Lewandowski and Conway to dive in more often. Trump’s current campaign Manager, Brad Parscale, trump’s sons Donald Junior and Eric, members of the Cabinet: All of you come here on a regular basis. Even Trump comes by. A vehicle convoy chauffeured him then each of the a few Hundred meters from the White house to the Hotel. This concentrated Power attracts people, the promise of proximity to something: lobbyists, business leaders, foreign delegations from Saudi Arabia, for example. Shortly after trump’s election coves lobbyists of the Saudis within the same 500 hotel rooms a few months, the “Washington Post”.

The attorneys General of Washington and the state of Maryland have filed suit against trump’s Hotel. It is primarily a question of whether Trump with the money he takes over a Hotel, is a violation of the Emoluments Clause, an Anti-corruption clause in the Constitution that prohibits the President, gifts and remuneration from a foreign state may include the expenses of foreign delegations at the Hotel.

In contrast to other Hotels of trump’s real estate company, the Trump International Hotel in Washington is no new construction, no glass skyscrapers. The people in the capital are familiar with the 1899-built building as the Old Post Office, the ornate former headquarters of the Post, a little reminiscent of a castle. His 80-Meter-high bell tower makes the building the third-highest in Washington. From the top you have a great Outlook on the National Mall with its museums, the Capitol and the Washington Monument, the landmark of the city.

Who is up wants to do in the bell tower, the over a side entrance at any time for free. Manages the tower from the national Park service. For the main building, however, Trumps company 2013 secured by the Federal government the sole right of use. After an elaborate renovation, the Hotel was opened shortly before trump’s election to the presidency. Every Dollar is now spent here, every Drink and every Night, it flows to the Trumps family business.

And that’s exactly why the Hotel has become for many a Symbol of Trumps presidency – for mixing public office and business interests. Regular protesters stand in front of the Hotel, a left light-artist projects often political messages to the wall above the entrance to the hotel. “Crime scene”, the scene of the crime. Or “pay Trump bribes here”, a bribe here, please pay for it.

Every Dollar that is spent here, it flows into the pockets of the Trumps. This is corruption?

in order To money and business, but it is not always the case. Looking at some of the events that take place here almost every day, it becomes clear: The Hotel also fulfills another purpose. As a rallying point for like-Minded people, as a place of pilgrimage for Trump Fans. One of the organizations that meet once a month in the Hotel, called the Virginia Women for Trump, a group of female Supporters that came together in the election campaign of 2016.

the founder of The group, Alice Butler-Short, a 75-year-old lady with long, platinum blond hair, which is networked in the Trump universe. It is one evening a few weeks ago at the lectern in a side room of the hotel, in a red dress and formidable high Heels, to which the USA-emblazoned flag.

in Front of her in the audience of 50 women and a few men are sitting good in the dress or in the suit. Butler-Short, a prayer, then the Pledge of Allegiance, the pledge of allegiance speaks first. Subsequently, a singer of the national anthem, and in the audience you stand to attention. Before it goes to the main agenda item of the Evening – the creation of a new section of their club for black women, praises Butler-Short extensively the President: “We all know that he was chosen by God.” The audience calls out: “Yes!” Every day, says Butler-Short, push Trump for his followers in the line of fire – brave, self-sacrificing.

the Indians at The Trump-Celebration

On one of the rear rows of chairs for two guests, which will later be kicking yourself at the lectern, to find some words of praise for Trump to sit. Joseph and Laralyn River Wind came at the invitation of Butler-Short to Washington. Both are of native American descent, you are traveling as a “cultural Ambassador” through the whole country. Joseph has the title of one of the Chiefs, he is a peace chief of his tribe, the people belong to the Arawak. Laralyns Cherokee Indians are ancestors. To Trump Chief Joseph, especially its harsh immigration policies like, “because every country has the right to protect its borders”.

His own people was not able to obtain this protection in the past, unfortunately, very good, but the principle is still correct. His wife, Laralyn tells the story of how the Couple moved a few years ago in a different reservation in Minnesota. “We introduced ourselves to the chief of the reserve, we brought gifts to our people and asked for permission to us settle down.” This spirit, you miss many of the immigrants, especially those coming illegally across the southern border. And therefore, it is good that Trump wool restrict the Migration as much as possible.

After two hours, the Meeting dissolves slowly, and Alice Butler-Short, which gave the whole evening the hostess on the aisle in front of the next room in an armchair. The Brioni Boutique, and the business with a very expensive Whisky, which are rented in the Hotel, are just about to close. “A beautiful evening,” she says, “so much love and warmth!” The Trump Hotel like a Butler-Short, very, it was the perfect place to gather the supporters of the “Revolution”, which is currently taking place. Conflicts of interest of Trump? She sees no. “He gave up the Lifestyle of a billionaire, in order to serve the country. As if he wanted to earn with the President money!”

In the Trump Hotel, empties the Bar, Butler-Short is gone, gestöckelt in the High Heels with the USA flag. In front of the Hotel, the guests rise car in a huge, dark terrain. No light projection emblazoned on this evening, above the entrance of the hotel, the protesters are not to be seen. The SUVs drive off into the Washington night – into enemy country.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 11.12.2018, 18:44 PM