the Housing crisis are pointed almost daily like a stoppkloss for the Swedish economy. In debattinläggen handled the matter all the more evident in marknadstermer: increase competition, reduce the regulations, before the market rents.

What you think of the merits of the case is missing a discussion of what kind of be the housing is. All the stresses the importance of the residential value, but we lack a discussion on how the modes are produced. The responsibility to produce modes lies with the municipalities, but the question is if they realize how to value their mission is.

With the planning monopoly sits municipalities on nothing less than the most value-creating authority!

In the five points, we want to try to clarify the dwelling which is to be, and then point to the solutions that open up:

What can not be marketed as a place of residence in Sweden. This has led to an internationally high housing standards but also to high production costs. The equation cheap housing and high standards do not go together. The market has never managed to deliver this; we have always had a housing shortage in Sweden when the government in one way or another subsidised housing construction. A Volvo S90 that the minimum standard may not all Swedish households advice.

the Step from furniture to housing, however, is not a stage from small to large goods, but a step away from consumer goods to capital goods. The latter are goods with a long life which constitutes the support for the other activities. Lower costs can be achieved only through increased productivity or reduced quality. The first should be a standing requirement, the latter leads to shorter lifespan and increased maintenance; in principle, the firing costs in the future.

It does not mean that all the houses will be replaced within 50 years, but they are undergoing major renovations. If we compare with other durable goods computers, cars, appliances or machines in the industry – this is a remarkable life, only comparable with the physical infrastructure such as roads, airports and dams. Products which lowered the quality usually means poor economy.

much of the property’s value depends on where it is located – its location. Exactly the same apartment in Vilhelmina and Stockholm sold at completely different prices, as well as identical apartments in the Stockholm suburb and the inner city. The apartment in Stockholm offers, among other things, proximity to a much larger labour market than the apartment in Vilhelmina, and the apartment in the city centre offers a greater range of services than the apartment in the suburbs.

Well-designed support a host of vital societal processes of great value, such as social inclusion, sustainable handelslägen and urban ecosystem services. This is called the urban construction and the forgotten is constantly being removed in the bostadsdebatten despite the fact that it is absolutely crucial for individual homes value. The responsibility for urban development, however, is on Swedish municipalities, which makes the housing to a co-production between the municipality and the business sector.

We need to approach the unresolved equation – affordable housing to a high standard – with other eyes.

with regard to the infrastructural character and central role in everyone’s quality of life. Reduction in the standard is also leading to more expensive maintenance and frequent renovations, with building great environmental impact seems to be an outdated way forward.

. When it comes to the construction industry is the debate started, many are asking why it is so expensive to build in Sweden. Need this with the torch to be on. When it comes to local government productivity, we have, however, stuck in the issue of faster planprocess. Many people point out here that there are plenty of ready-made plans, and that the problem rather is that the market does not see them as enough good shops (DN 1/8 in 2016). Thus, we should shift the focus from the municipalities ‘ process to their product.

The Swedish plankontor produces is not housing, but locations for housing. Location is defined as proximity to the attractions, which attractions can be of many types: workplaces, schools, trade, green areas. This is where, however, two mental blocks:

First, the idea that the planning is to locate the attractions to places where they are needed. If it were true, we would easily be able to build more workplaces to Vilhelmina and a greater range of services to the Stockholm suburb. But something is missing – proximity. Vilhelmina is located too far from too much to be able to carry a diversified labour market as well as the large distances in the Stockholm suburb makes it difficult to carry a varied assortment.

the Next block is the notion that the state is a given, that there is a limited supply of good locations. During the later market-driven decades, this has made the new housing projects to locate at established locations near the city centers. Municipalities have thus become exploiters of modes instead of the producers of the modes – they have lived on to sell out the inventory rather than to produce new. It is to grossly miss the potential of the mission, and proximity and distance is what is produced by urban construction. With the planning monopoly sitting, therefore, municipalities in no less than Sweden’s most value-creating authority! All the positions we currently invest in (or lend on) has been created through earlier planning.

to strengthen the municipalities ‘ mission is needed here for the first sharper the board of stadskvalitet from politics. Such objectives tend to be both vague and over-ambitious and therefore difficult to act on and need stronger linked to the means available to realize them.

It is important to realize that these perform a difficult translation from the goals formulated in words to the products in the form of plankartor just shaping cities and neighborhoods as a system of modes of different kinds. This translation requires advanced expertise – which the planform supports the strengthening of integration at the same time as it creates the interest of the housing companies and their customers – but as we have seen, extremely value when it is handled skilfully.

Responsible to support the country’s municipalities when it comes to housing, sustainable urban development has to the Building. Within the framework of its mission to digitise the planning process that are open to new knowledge, new tools and new planprocesser, there are excellent opportunities for an education initiative in both aspects above and thus lay the foundation for a long-term sustainable provision of housing. As so often, good planning is the prerequisite for a functioning market.