Dear readers,

Several studies attempt to assess the economic impact of Paris 2024. The last one reports positive impacts, ranging from 6.7 to 11.1 billion euros. According to a study by the Asterès firm, by the excellent and lively Nicolas Bouzou, the cost of this edition should, for its part, amount to some 11.8 billion. Nearly half of this sum (5.2 billion) would come from public finances, but would be entirely covered by tax and social revenue generated by the event. To tell the truth – and Asterès recognizes this – this all comes down to calculations made with a wet finger. It’s after the party that we’ll really know…


What is certain, however, is that the first images of the flame’s journey aroused everyone’s enthusiasm. From Marseille, the beauty of the images is a delight which has drowned out the negative comments heard about the inconvenience caused by these Games. If the competition is successful, is a success, the real benefit of Paris 2024 will be there: intangible, attached to our hearts, capable of restoring the morale of the French, of flattering the pride of a nation which really needs it. Yes, France and the French are capable of great things!

Good reading,

Yves Thréard