As early as Wednesday morning, observers wondered about the takeoff of a twin-engine aircraft from Niamey, with twelve passengers on board, heading for Bamako. A few hours later, photos circulated on social networks showing General Salifou Mody, number 2 of the junta that took power in Niger, at Bamako airport. At the head of a delegation, the former Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces dismissed in April met the Malian authorities, including the President of the Transition, Colonel Assimi Goïta. The same afternoon, he stopped over in Ouagadougou, where he was received by President Ibrahim Traoré.

These two Sahel countries, also held by juntas since coups in 2021 and 2022, very quickly declared their “solidarity” for the CNSP in Niger. In a joint statement on Monday, the governments warned that any military intervention in Niger to restore constitutional order would be “a declaration of war” on Burkina and Mali. ECOWAS, which brings together 15 member states from the sub-region, has brandished the threat of the use of force by giving a one-week ultimatum to the junta.

According to journalist Serge Daniel, RFI correspondent in Mali, the CNSP delegation expressed its thanks to the Malian authorities for their support, and welcomed the good cooperation between the two countries. General Mody also reportedly claimed, without further details, to have conducted political consultations in Bamako. Observers are wondering in particular about the possibility of a rapprochement with the Wagner militia, present in Mali and Burkina where it provides security for heads of state.

In Burkina, General Modi indicated that the exchanges focused in particular on the sanctions imposed by ECOWAS in Niger. “We have received very strong support from Burkina Faso”, welcomed the general on Wednesday evening, declaring that he did not want “Niger to become a new Libya”.