La Berrichonne Châteauroux, controlled by Saudi funds, has been relegated from National to National 2 by the National Directorate of Control and Management (DNCG), the Professional Football League (LFP) announced on Tuesday.

Owned for two years by the Saudi group United World, the club announced an appeal in a press release certifying that “all the financial guarantees requested (had) been presented” and that “the appeal period will allow the club to find the adequate solutions to ensure the maintenance of the Berrichonne in National”.

The club has until June 30 to defend its case. The relegation of Châteauroux would lead to the maintenance in National of Nancy, the first relegation of the regular season. “La Berri” would then lose its status as a professional club, which it has held for 32 years. Châteauroux played for a season in the first division, in 1997-1998, in its Gaston-Petit stadium that the Castelroussins nicknamed the Gaston Trop Petit stadium.