Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) sees little scope in the federal budget for the basic child security system demanded by the Greens. “A lot has already happened for families with children,” said Lindner of “Bild am Sonntag”. More is “always desirable, but not always possible”.

“Child benefit has been increased to 250 euros, higher than it has been since 1996,” said Lindner. The Federal Government provides a total of seven billion euros more per year for families and children. “The essentials for the basic child security is done financially.”

He sees other approaches to combating child poverty, said the FDP chairman: “Child poverty is often due to the parents’ unemployment. That’s why language support and integration of parents into the job market are crucial in order to improve the children’s chances.

Federal Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) is vehemently demanding the introduction of basic child security and estimates the costs at twelve billion euros per year.

As priorities for the 2024 budget, instead of basic child security, Lindner named “the renewal of the infrastructure of all modes of transport, digitization of the state, upgrading of the Bundeswehr, strengthening education and research, modernization of trade, medium-sized companies and industry”. Other projects should be “marked as ‘desirable but currently not feasible'”.

For 2024, the finance minister expects record revenues for the state. “The state as a whole is expected to take more than one trillion euros for the first time in the coming year,” said Lindner of the “BamS”. Nevertheless, the money is not enough to finance the statutory obligations of the federal government, Lindner told the newspaper. “There is currently no question of additional expenditure.”