Be honest: have you ever googled your health problems or symptoms on the internet? According to a Bitkom survey, 14 percent of Germans “regularly” research their symptoms on the Internet or via an app before consulting a doctor.

It is extremely problematic for doctors when patients with a diagnosis they have already made themselves turn up at a practice at some point. After all, clinical pictures are diverse and not always as clear as the descriptions on the Internet make it seem. But why do so many people seek advice from Dr. Google?

Maybe because it’s more practical. On the other hand, because many people are embarrassed to go to a flesh-and-blood doctor with an itchy rash in the intimate area or flatulence. It’s called sickness shame.

In a representative survey of 1,502 adult women and men, the online medical practice ZAVA found out which clinical pictures are most embarrassing for German citizens. But before we tell you, it’s your turn:

It is striking that the top ten mainly includes those symptoms or clinical pictures that are generally related to poor hygiene or the intimate area. The most embarrassing complaints came in first place with 38 percent bad breath and armpit odor, followed by “bad” teeth and periodontal disease with 34 percent and heavy sweating in third place.

The survey results ranked fourth to eighth after flatulence, lice, fungal infections in the genital area, dandruff or greasy hair and incontinence as unpleasant reasons for a doctor’s visit. In ninth and tenth place, diarrhea and venereal diseases complete the shame of illness.

The answer is quite simple: Most are afraid of being judged for their complaints. In another study by ZAVA, at least 45 percent of 594 patients thought so. 27 percent of those surveyed even stated that they had been convicted for their symptoms. But there are actually few reasons to have this fear, explains Beverley Kugler, medical director Germany of the online doctor’s office.

According to the doctor, illnesses that are supposedly self-inflicted are particularly embarrassing: “For example, those affected fear being judged for poor hygiene if they have bad breath, bad teeth or heavy sweating. The symptoms can have various underlying causes.” The fact that diseases affecting the genital and excretory organs are often considered embarrassing is due to the fact that the intimate area was associated with shame for a long time – and in many cultures it still is today.

Even if many of the symptoms described sound rather harmless: in rare cases they can also be signs of more serious illnesses. If these go undetected for a longer period of time just because someone is ashamed to see a doctor, it can cost their lives. For example, untreated sexually transmitted diseases can lead to infertility.

“Whether it’s armpit perspiration or acne, periodontal disease or fungal infections, don’t be afraid to seek medical advice. For doctors and pharmacists, it goes without saying that they talk about health problems – that’s exactly what we’re here for. It is important that you have your complaints clarified by an expert,” advises Beverley Kugler.

According to the survey, women in particular are more concerned that their illness could be embarrassing. Around 42 percent of the women surveyed stated that they had found an illness embarrassing. For comparison: In men it was only 28 percent. Unfortunately, the survey does not provide any information as to why this is the case.

You can get more tips for a healthy life here:

This article was first published in September 2022.