According to the Sunday trend, the traffic light coalition in the federal government has won a majority again for the first time since the beginning of December. As the “Bild am Sonntag” reports from the survey it commissioned from the opinion research institute Insa, the approval of the SPD is unchanged at 21 percent, the Greens are up one percentage point to 16 percent and the FDP is eight percent.

With a total of 45 percent, the traffic light parties are ahead of the CDU/CSU with an unchanged 28 percent and the AfD with 15 percent, which lost one percentage point. The left also has to give up one percentage point and would currently miss the entry into the Bundestag with four percent. The other parties together come to eight percent, one percentage point more than in the previous week.

The cooperation between the SPD, Greens and FDP in the federal government is currently characterized by disputes and mutual accusations. The coalition leaders meet on Sunday evening to discuss controversial issues. The coalition committee should focus in particular on accelerating planning for infrastructure projects and on laws on the ecological restructuring of the economy and energy supply.

Green co-boss Ricarda Lang called for constructive negotiations. “We were elected to solve problems. We will,” she told the “Bild am Sonntag”. When it comes to government work, “something is on the table right now”. “Now it’s time to tie one knot after the other,” emphasized Lang. Every result must “be able to be measured against the reality of the climate crisis”.

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