In view of the ongoing mass protests against the planned judicial reform, Israeli Defense Minister Joav Galant has spoken out in favor of a one-month break in the legislative process. “We have to stop the legislative process,” said Galant on Saturday evening and spoke of a month. A continuing division of the population on this issue could become a “real threat to Israel’s security.”

Whoever wins this tug-of-war, “on the street or in the Knesset,” the State of Israel will be the “loser,” the defense minister said in a speech. Galant called for a pause before MPs are due to vote next week on a key item in the government’s plans that would change the process of selecting judges in favor of politics. At the same time, Galant called for an end to the demonstrations.

Meanwhile, around 200,000 people demonstrated in Tel Aviv against the planned restructuring of the Israeli judiciary, as estimated by the Israeli media. “We are here today to demonstrate and join the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Israelis who support the values ​​on which this country was founded,” said high-tech executive Daniel Nisman, citing democracy and tolerance. “That’s all we can hope for, that he (Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu) leads us away from the brink,” the 36-year-old told AFP.

In Jerusalem, thousands of demonstrators marched past President Isaac Herzog’s residence. “It’s very bad for our country,” said 80-year-old protester Harriet Scher, who had slung an Israel flag around her shoulders.

The reforms “will have a very negative impact on marginalized groups – on lesbians, gays and the Arab population”. “It will not be good for the country if they (the politicians) have total control of the Supreme Court,” she added.

Mass protests against the reform have been taking place in Israel for eleven weeks. Israel’s key allies, including the United States, have also questioned the reform plans.

Overall, the reform plans of the far-right governing coalition aim to limit the powers of the judiciary. Netanyahu describes the reform as necessary to restore balance in the separation of powers. Critics fear that the separation of powers will be abolished and that democracy will be undermined.