At the end of this week, three fundamental questions arise regarding the traffic light government.

First: What is Olaf Scholz doing? Second: What is Olaf Scholz doing? And thirdly: what does Olaf Scholz do? The man who said, “If you order leadership from me, you get it,” watches his coalition self-damage a little more by the day.

The high point for the time being was Robert Habeck’s appearance in the “Tagesthemen” when he denied the integrity and trustworthiness of his own coalition partners. He feels betrayed when it comes to the plans to ban the installation of oil and gas heating systems.

Because, as was the case a few months ago with the gas levy, the criticism of the project goes home with Habeck – and it comes mainly from his own coalition. As with the gas levy, the SPD and FDP were involved in the heat transition plans, even if they now want to make you believe that they have nothing to do with it.

In the coalition agreement, for example, they stipulated that 65 percent of the heat output of newly installed heating systems should come from renewable energies in the future. Originally planned for 2025, as a result of the Ukraine war, all three parties agreed to bring this step forward.

Now Habeck’s emotions are just as useless as the half-baked implementation ideas from his ministry, but the chancellor’s silence is even more damaging. Even if some of the points of contention should be resolved in the coalition committee this weekend – the story of the traffic light of partners on an equal footing is over.

Instead, the Greens see themselves as doers, the Liberals as a corrective to what has been made green. The chancellor doesn’t do anything about it.