Actually, major disruptive actions by the group “Uprising of the Last Generation” in the Hanseatic city seemed averted after the leaders of the SPD and Greens parliamentary groups met with representatives of the group in Hamburg City Hall on Tuesday and another conversation had also been loosely agreed.

On Thursday, several demonstrators stuck themselves to the Köhlbrand Bridge, which is important for port traffic. As the police tweeted, the lane to the east had to be closed.

The “Hamburger Abendblatt” reports that six people from the “Last Generation” group are said to have used fast-setting concrete to bond with the asphalt. The NDR puts the number of demonstrators at ten.

Police advised motorists to avoid the area. Obstacles in both directions must be expected. Shortly after 10 a.m., the police tweeted again. Several people have already been able to get off the road.

Criticism came immediately from the AfD. The chairman of the parliamentary group, Dirk Nockemann, called for tough action by the security authorities and also took a hard stance on the SPD and the Greens. One does not negotiate with extremists, said Nockemann, who was Interior Senator in Hamburg in 2003 and 2004.

The conversation with the activists would obviously have brought nothing, according to the AfD politician. “SPD and Greens let themselves be danced on the nose. Anyone who repeatedly paralyzes traffic arteries belongs behind Swedish curtains and not in Hamburg City Hall.”

Last weekend there was an action by the “Last Generation” in Hamburg. Activists tried to tape over the painting “Wanderer above the Sea of ​​Fog” by Caspar David Friedrich. A security guard was able to prevent that.

In the podcast “Dicht dran”, WELT reporters Lennart Pfahler and Alexander Dinger look for the masterminds of the “last generation” in two episodes. They want to know how the organization ticks inside. Listen now and subscribe to Spotify, Apple Podcast, Deezer or directly to the RSS feed.