A good two weeks ago, activists from the last generation had threatened in a letter to Hamburg’s Mayor Peter Tschentscher (SPD) and to the chairmen of the citizenship factions with a “maximum disruption of public order” if the city did not support the group’s demand to support the formation of a so-called social council to solve climate problems.

The first reactions ranged from negative to outraged. Tschentscher categorically refused a meeting with the activists and forwarded the letter to the security authorities in the Hanseatic city. Dirk Kienscherf, chairman of the SPD parliamentary group, also said at the time that he had no sympathy for such threats or ultimatums. Now he was one of four faction leaders who met with activists in City Hall.

According to WELT information, in addition to Kienscherf, the two co-chairs of the Green faction Jennifer Jasberg and Dominik Lorenzen and the parliamentary director of the SPD faction Ole Thorben Buschhäuter took part in the conversation. The NDR was the first to report on the secret meeting.

The meeting was preceded by another letter from the climate activists, in which they apologized to the mayor for the fact that the first letter contained passages that sounded like blackmail. That was never their intention, according to the letter that the “Last Generation” also posted on their website. Apparently this public apology and the associated move away from an attempt at blackmail was one of the door openers for the talks in Hamburg.

When asked about the content of the talks, the SPD and the Greens said that they had exchanged views on a “serious consideration of the idea of ​​​​future climate policy”. However, the “previous actions of the last generation” had also been the subject of the dialogue. It was also said that there would probably be a follow-up meeting. The faction leaders did not want to go into detail. The conversation was confidential.

The Hamburg politicians thus join a number of colleagues nationwide who have received activists for talks or who have directly and publicly supported the establishment of a social council. Actions by the activists in the cities were then stopped.

The ultimatum from the first letter from the “Last Generation” for Hamburg expired on March 13. However, the major disruptions to public order that had been announced did not occur. However, activists had tried at the weekend to stick over the picture “The Wanderer above the Sea of ​​Fog” by Kaspar David in the Hamburger Kunsthalle. A security guard prevented this.