Left-wing member of the Bundestag Sahra Wagenknecht has until the end of the year to decide whether to found her own party. “By the end of the year it must be clear how things will continue,” said the left-wing politician to the news portal “ZDFheute.de”. The decision whether to found a party or not will be made “within the next nine months”. Her weighing process also includes the question of her health: “As a one-woman show, I can’t do that.”

Wagenknecht’s rejection of another candidacy for the left had fueled new speculation about a split in the party. She recently caused irritation in her party with her positions on the Ukraine war.

Wagenknecht continued: “Founding a party depends on conditions, including legal ones. You have to build structures. The expectation that one could – even if one had decided – just launch a party like this, from one week to the next, that would be doomed to failure.”