According to a report, the Greens want to bring forward the phase-out of coal throughout Germany to 2030. This is a “necessary step to achieve the climate goals,” quoted the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” (Saturday edition) from a draft resolution for the parliamentary group retreat of the Greens parliamentary group next week in Weimar. According to this, the lignite mining areas in East Germany are to be shut down eight years earlier than originally planned.

The Greens justify their move by saying that Germany is still not on the way to meeting the 1.5 degree target. “Coal, oil and fossil gas have no place in a climate-neutral country,” says the paper, according to SZ. Lignite in particular is “extremely harmful to the climate,” warns the decision, which is intended to put the project high on the federal government’s agenda.

The coal commission had originally agreed 2038 as the exit year. In their coalition agreement, however, the traffic light parties SPD, Greens and FDP agreed to strive for an accelerated phase-out of coal-fired power generation in order to meet climate protection goals. “Ideally” this should be achieved by 2030.

For North Rhine-Westphalia, an agreement between the federal and state governments and the energy company RWE now provides for the end of coal-fired power generation by 2030.

The Green Group calls for a similar approach in the East. “We want security and prospects for the people in the East German coal regions,” said parliamentary group leader Katharina Dröge of the “SZ”. What is needed is a “forward-looking policy that shapes structural change”. Prime Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) had already spoken out in January for an earlier exit from coal in the East, but at the same time pointed out that this had to be “agreed by consensus”.

The Saxon Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU), on the other hand, warned the federal government to be reliable when it came to phasing out coal. It is important to stick to the original exit date of 2038, he made clear on Friday at a meeting with young employees of the energy company Leag and with trade unionists in the Boxberg power plant. Employees have the right to demand exactly that. He stands by her side.

“We said in 2038 that we don’t want a renaissance of lignite now (…). We just want what is valid and now we are making sure that new things are added,” said Kretschmer, referring to the generation of renewable energy on the previous mining areas. “We need renewable energies because they are a locational advantage for industry.” However, the option of a modern gas-fired power plant in Boxberg should also be retained.

Kretschmer recalled how the coal compromise came about. At that time there was an agreement with the participation of trade unions, employers, churches, social organizations, municipalities and environmental organizations. A compromise had been worked out with great seriousness. Ecology, economy and the social question should be brought together. “I also think that you can’t push this approach aside.”

According to Kretschmer, high energy prices and doubts about the security of supply must not lead to the “gold rush mood” in Saxony breaking down. “Energy is the Achilles’ heel of every national economy.” If you don’t guarantee this, you can no longer keep companies in this country. One is still dependent on lignite. New jobs need to be created. But for this to happen, the site conditions would have to be such that one is competitive with other regions in the world.