Cinema association boss Christine Berg has criticized the riots at “Creed III” screenings. In their opinion, these are isolated cases. It is important to classify that, said Berg, as chairwoman of the HDF cinema association, of the German Press Agency in Berlin. She named cases in Hamburg, Essen and Bremen. There, young people would have disturbed the performances and thrown cola, nachos or popcorn on the screen, walls and other people.

It makes you speechless, said Berg. Apparently it’s about attention, but she doesn’t want to do kitchen psychology. “We see it as an aggressive act. We don’t find it funny either.” For her, a limit had been crossed. Cinemas are a place where you can enjoy a film in peace.

In Germany and other countries there had been disruptive actions in some cinemas while “Creed III” was running there, a new film in the saga about the boxer “Rocky”, WELT had also reported. Videos appeared on the Tiktok network. The Essen police saw evidence of a challenge.

It has been quiet since the weekend, said Berg. In their opinion, the cinemas are also better prepared. There are several options, such as increased security. Some cinemas also changed the starting times of the films a little, in order to have a better view of who was coming when they were admitted. When she saw “Creed III” in the cinema, young people threw playing cards. Then she said: “Could you please just stop?” That’s what they did.

There have also been campaigns with the “Minions” in the past year. There, groups of young people in suits threw popcorn in the cinemas. Universal tweeted at the time: To all those who come in suits, we see and love you. “They took it with humor,” said Berg. At that time there was not so much damage to property.