The young French hurdler (23 years old), world vice-champion in the 60m hurdles this winter in Glasgow (Scotland), dominated her series in Florida to cross the line in 12 sec 52 (1.9 m/s wind) . She thus beat by three hundredths the French record which she had already seized on April 20 in China, when she had erased from the tablets Monique Ewanje-Epée and Cindy Billaud who co-held it (established by the first in 1990 and equaled by the second in 2004).

In the final, Samba-Mayela even went even faster, in 12 sec 44, but the wind was blowing too strong (3.2 m/s) for the performance to be approved. After an already record winter, the Frenchwoman, who moved to Orlando, Florida at the start of the school year to join Irish coach John Coghlan, confirms her very good form less than three months before the Paris Olympic Games.