Almost six years after the G20 summit in Hamburg, the Higher Administrative Court ruled that restrictions on a G20 protest camp at the Altonaer Volkspark were legal. According to information from Thursday, the court rejected the appeal of two plaintiffs against the judgment of the administrative court from 2020.

After oral hearings, the Higher Administrative Court came to the conclusion that the protest camp should not be regarded as an assembly protected by Article 8 of the Basic Law. According to the court, details of the decision will emerge from the written reasons for the judgment in a few weeks.

The city of Hamburg had rejected a camp with sleeping places for several thousand summit opponents in the Altonaer Volkspark. However, the Federal Constitutional Court decided on June 28, 2017 that the camp had to be placed under the right of assembly as a precautionary measure. As a result, the city initially allowed a protest camp without sleeping and kitchen tents near the park. It was not until July 5, 2017, one day before the start of the summit, that 300 sleeping tents, each for two to three people, were allowed to be set up. The plaintiffs wanted to have the original ban on the camp and the subsequent conditions declared illegal.

The camp was co-organized by Attac, one of the plaintiffs. The anti-globalization network criticized that the court again misjudged the importance of camps for freedom of assembly. The court allowed the appeal to the Federal Administrative Court. According to Attac, it intends to review an appeal as soon as the reasoning for the verdict is available.