Every vaccination can have side effects, including those against Covid-19. Actually a matter of course, but it has been taboo in public discussion for too long. To this day, politicians, doctors and journalists in many places are reluctant to put the topic on the agenda so as not to play into the hands of corona skeptics and the anti-vaccination AfD. Because too often ideologues exploit the plight of those affected for their own ends.

But more than two years after the start of the corona vaccination campaign in Germany, it is time to objectify the topic and bring it into the mainstream of society. It is estimated that tens of thousands of Germans suffer from the so-called post-vac syndrome, i.e. they experience health problems in connection with the corona vaccination. The symptoms are similar to those of Long Covid: severe headaches, chronic fatigue, cardiovascular problems. Some can no longer work since their illness, others can no longer walk.

In view of the 65 million people vaccinated, these cases are very rare, but usually a catastrophe for each individual. It is therefore long overdue for those responsible in politics, primarily Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD), to recognize the suffering of those affected.

The minister has now moved away from his statement that the corona vaccination is “free of side effects” and admits that there can sometimes be serious side effects. But this tight-lipped commitment is not enough to normalize the issue and end the stigmatization of those affected.

The federal and state governments must concretely improve the supply situation and make more money available for research. To date, there are only two contact points in Germany that explicitly take care of post-vac patients, the rush cannot be managed.

The network of centers for long-Covid patients provided for in the coalition agreement urgently needs to be set up and also opened up to those affected by post-vac. In addition, the procedures for financial compensation for side effects of vaccinations in the federal states should be significantly accelerated. The majority of the applications have not yet been processed at all, or if they have, they have mostly been rejected.

In the pandemic, vaccination side effects were an issue non grata. Now you need the courage to discuss the facts transparently and to support those affected with all your might. This is the only way to restore confidence in possible future vaccination campaigns. “We are not corona deniers, we are not opposed to vaccination,” said a post-vac affected person at an event in the Bundestag. “We’re just sick people.”

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