According to the will of the SPD and Greens, sustainability and adherence to collective agreements should play a greater role in future in the awarding of public contracts in Hamburg. In a joint motion, the two government factions call on the Senate to take aspects of social, ecological and economic sustainability into account and to further advance the “central goals of fair trade, good work and environmental and climate protection” and even more implemented in municipal procurement.

In Hamburg, according to the justification of the application, specialist authorities, districts, state companies, universities and public companies procure goods and services worth around 340 million euros every year. The signal effect that can emanate from public procurement should therefore not be underestimated. Therefore, the city should procure its goods and services from companies that adhere to high standards.

“By not only making decisions based on economic aspects when selecting contractual partners, but also taking into account social, ecological and other ethical criteria within the scope of the possibilities under competition law, the city and public companies can influence the working and production conditions in Germany, Europe and the rest of the world world,” said the SPD expert on fair trade, Iftikhar Malik.

The existing guidelines for environmentally friendly procurement must be further developed into guidelines for sustainable procurement and consistently applied, according to the motion, which the citizenry is to vote on on Wednesday.

Good working conditions and fair wages are central goals, stressed Filiz Demirel, labor market policy spokeswoman for the Greens. “Compliance with the collective agreement is a key component and driver of good work.” Other cities such as Berlin and Bremen have therefore already introduced it in the area of ​​public procurement law.

“Hamburg will also take on such a role model function in the future. With our application, we are obliging companies to pay the industry standard collective wage and thus reward companies with collective agreements.”

Gender equality and the inclusion of people with disabilities should also play an important role in the award of public contracts.

In 2012, Hamburg gave itself award criteria for socially responsible procurement for the first time, according to the justification for the application. Among other things, mandatory specifications were made at that time for compliance with collective agreements in the area of ​​the Posting of Workers Act, for maintaining the core labor standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and for environmentally friendly procurement.

In 2017, public procurement law was addressed again and, in particular, socially just standards in international trade relations were required. With the red-green application, the procurement law is now to be reformed again and make “modern specifications” in the areas of “global responsibility”, “good work” and environmental and climate protection.

Since the votes of the SPD and the Greens in the citizenship are sufficient to decide on such projects with their own votes, the approval of the parliament is purely a matter of form.