One of the unsolved mysteries of gastronomy: Why would people protest if they were always served the same thing for lunch? At the same time, they have no problem sticking to the same food for breakfast? But maybe something is changing with regard to breakfast habits in Germany. The culinary variety in the morning seems to be increasing, the keyword is: Eggs Benedict. Our impression is that they are becoming more and more common on the breakfast table.

Eggs Benedict are as tasty as they are nutritious. They are said to have been created at the end of the 19th century in New York, in the Hotel Waldorf Astoria. Legend has it that they were first prepared there for Lemuel Benedict, a stockbroker who wanted a hangover breakfast.

Then the Eggs Benedict started their triumphant march around the world. Toasted bread with ham, poached egg and hollandaise sauce – this is the basic recipe. A variation is called Eggs Blackstone, here the ham is replaced by bacon, and tomatoes are also included. Eggs Florentine, on the other hand, mean that spinach is to be used instead of ham.

Our favorite version – Eggs Stemberg, so to speak – goes like this: For four people you need four slices of brioche, mares if you prefer. Fry on both sides in olive oil in a pan until golden brown. Drain on kitchen paper and leave to dry. Now whip up the hollandaise sauce. Peel and finely chop a shallot. Place in a saucepan along with five white peppercorns, three tablespoons of white wine vinegar, three tablespoons of white wine and 50 milliliters of water. Simmer until the liquid is reduced by half, then strain. This is our fund.

Now melt 50 grams of butter over medium heat. In a bowl, mix two egg yolks with the stock and whip until foamy in a water bath. Remove the bowl from the water bath and pour in the melted butter in a long, thin stream. Whip the whole thing up again. When the butter is fully incorporated, we have a wonderful hollandaise. Now just season with salt, pepper and lemon juice.

Next, please fry eight slices of thin, smoked breakfast bacon, obtained from the butcher of your choice, until crispy on both sides. Now for the freestyle: the poached egg. To do this, add two liters of lightly salted water. Add six tablespoons of white wine vinegar and bring the liquid to a boil. Take four coffee cups and break an egg into each. Create a whirlpool in the water with a wooden spoon and drop one egg at a time into the whirlpool – the cup makes it easier to drop the yolks in without damaging them.

Allow to stand for five minutes over medium heat, after which the eggs will be soft as wax. They pull themselves together though. But you can still help by pressing against the egg white from the outside with the wooden spoon. After five minutes, remove the eggs from the pan with a slotted spoon and drain.

Place two slices of crispy bacon and a poached egg on each of the golden-brown brioche slices, and one or two tablespoons of Hollandaise sauce on top. If you like, add leaf spinach sautéed in butter to the egg. Briefly slide into the oven to gratinate, and the Eggs Stemberg are done.

In the vegetarian variant, replace the bacon with tomato, spinach and cheese, either sheep’s cheese or grated mountain cheese. So that you will have even more choice when it comes to your breakfast in the future, we will tell you in the coming week how to quickly bake a few potato waffles.

Walter Stemberg and his son Sascha run the “Haus Stemberg” restaurant in Velbert, which has been awarded a star in the “Michelin Guide” for the ninth year in a row. Here the Sternbergs write about the basics of cooking. All episodes online: