Christoph Lübcke blames the security authorities for the murder of his father Walter Lübcke. You can’t know that with 100 percent certainty, but he was “convinced that his death could have been prevented,” Lübcke told the news portal “t-online” in an interview published on Friday. Back then, right-wing extremism should have been given just as much attention as Islamist terrorism, for example. “But the state was blind in the right eye,” said Christoph Lübcke

The then Kassel district president Walter Lübcke was shot dead by a right-wing extremist on the terrace of his private house in 2019. The act was preceded by massive public hostilities because of his attitude towards taking in refugees in Germany. In the trial against the murderer, the widow and the two sons appeared as joint plaintiffs.

If Erika Steinbach or the AfD had agitated against his father, “the comments often included sentences like, ‘Die Walther does the rest’,” said Christoph Lübcke: “The pistol was meant. That was a clear call to murder my father.” But nothing happened. “These requests were not punished in any way at the time. They stopped,” criticized Lübcke

“As happy as we are about the conviction of the main perpetrator, we are also convinced that he cannot have acted alone,” said Christoph Lübcke. The family assume that an accomplice, who was later acquitted, was there and distracted the father while the killer fired. “The court did not want to follow this lead, however, stuck to the single perpetrator theory. We still can’t understand that to this day,” said Christoph Lübcke.