In the night from Sunday to Monday, previously unknown persons carried out a paint attack on the house of Hamburg’s second mayor Katharina Fegebank (Greens) in the Eilbek district. According to the police’s previous findings, the unknown perpetrator or perpetrators had thrown several glasses filled with red paint against the facade of the house. A neighboring building was also affected.

Residents had heard suspicious noises during the night, but the damage to the building was only noticed on Monday morning just before 8 a.m., the police said. She is now looking for other witnesses for the allegedly politically motivated act. The state security department of the State Criminal Police Office is investigating. Witnesses are asked to call 040/4286-56789.

It was not the first attack on the Green politician’s house. Paint has been thrown at the house in Eilbek, where the 45-year-old lives with her partner and twin girls, several times, most recently in 2019.

Since the crime happened exactly on the anniversary of the G-20 summit, the police assumed that 2019 would also be a politically motivated day. The act was noticed directly in 2019, but an immediate search was unsuccessful. In 2017, shortly before the G-20 summit in Hamburg, unknown persons smeared paint on Fegebank’s house.

Fegebank has been a member of the red-green Hamburg Senate since 2015. In addition to her position as Deputy Mayor, she is Senator for Science, Research and Gender Equality. Shortly after taking office, there was a paint attack on her house. Supporters of the so-called Lampedusa refugees claimed responsibility for the crime on the Internet. At that time, the house of today’s Transport Senator Anjes Tjarks and Environment Senator Jens Kerstan (both Green) were also thrown at.