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Shortly before the turn of the year, the “Spiegel” published a sensitive report on its own behalf. In the long article “The Maria case – the processing” a team from the news magazine explains why three articles about a group of refugees on the Greek-Turkish border river Evros can no longer be read. In the fall, the “Spiegel” had already taken the articles that appeared last August and September offline.

Because then the suspicion was strengthened that the girl Maria, who is said to have died of a scorpion sting, might not have existed at all. A podcast had previously said that European refugee policy was responsible for the girl’s death. The “Spiegel” had to investigate again. We talk about the results – and the open questions – in this issue of “Media Week”.

We also rewatched Secretary of Defense Christine Lambrecht’s New Year’s Eve video on Instagram. To describe it as “accident” would be a gross trivialization. The question arises – who actually controls how top politicians use social media? And since the ministries often hire consultants – where were they in Berlin on December 31st?

We also talk about the “Cluster of the Year”, a language-critical negative award, which made it into the reports of large media without relevance and sufficient justification, but with a lot of commitment.

The “Media Week” is a podcast about the world of media and its makers. Christian Meier, editor at WELT, and Stefan Winterbauer, editor-in-chief of the industry service Meedia, talk about the most important topics of the week every Friday. Background, analytical, entertaining.

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