The CSU has reiterated its opposition to the new naturalization law planned by the traffic light government. The draft law, which has been coordinated in the responsible departments of the federal government since Friday, is “not capable of approval,” said CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt at the weekend to WELT.

“If you carelessly grant citizenship at the beginning, integration efforts are not promoted, you no longer have to make them in the end,” Dobrindt criticized.

“It would then no longer be necessary to learn the German language”, integration would no longer take place. “Then you have German citizenship, but you live in a parallel society,” said the CSU politician. “That’s not what we imagine as a future model,” he emphasized the attitude of his party.

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) presented the outlines for a reform of nationality law in November, and details of the draft law became known on Saturday. The CDU and CSU immediately voiced sharp criticism of the plans.

According to the draft law, it should be possible to obtain a German passport under certain conditions after five years instead of the previous eight years. This should be possible after just three years, “provided the foreigner can earn a living for himself and his dependent family members without having to use public funds” and meets high requirements when learning the German language, as the draft shows.

For members of the so-called guest worker generation, the requirements for the necessary language skills are to be lowered. The possibilities for multiple citizenship are to be expanded. The traffic light parties agreed on the reform in their coalition agreement.