In view of the wave of corona cases in China after the sudden end of the zero-Covid strategy, Germany and the EU should introduce stricter entry restrictions. Because the past two years should have shown sufficiently how unreliable and dishonest the government in Beijing is when it comes to data transfer and the topic of Covid outbreaks. Tests should be conducted, sequenced and positive cases quarantined after every flight out of China.

It is not just about recognizing virus variants in order to protect the population. European countries should also restrict flights from China to certain airports – to prevent medical supplies from being overwhelmed in places that do not have the capacity to handle a sharp rise in the number of Covid patients.

Although the EU has already discussed the issue, there are still no uniform measures. This is extremely worrying because the situation in China is out of control. Almost overnight, China’s disease prevention policy turned 180 degrees.

After the nationwide spread of the omicron variant, almost all non-medical control measures were abolished in China. Since the sudden departure from the strict zero-Covid policy on December 7, it has become impossible for the regime in China to ascertain the true number of those infected.

The National Health Commission announced on December 25 that instead of publishing the daily number of infections and deaths, it would only publish the general trend of the pandemic. However, this is very far removed from reality and in no way reliable.

For example, while only a dozen people officially died of Covid in December, the world on social networks presents a different picture: acquaintances, friends and relatives die; Caravans of coffins stand in front of the crematoria.

Since last week, Beijing has no longer been publishing the pandemic data every day, but only once a month. But without accurate data, it is impossible for other countries to make informed plans and respond in a timely manner. China leaves other countries with almost no choice but to impose stricter restrictions in this case to keep health systems from collapsing.

It is heartbreaking to see the Chinese living with the consequences of the Covid failure. I genuinely feel sorry for the people who have been trapped in this politics for years. But not controlling cross-border air traffic under these circumstances is recklessness of epic proportions.

The world has not recovered from the devastating effects of the pandemic. We can’t take the next blow just yet. Nobody wants more lockdowns or donning masks every minute. Measures must be taken as soon as possible to prevent unpleasant consequences.