The chairman of the Catholic German Bishops’ Conference, Georg Bätzing, has the late former Pope Benedict XVI. recognized as an “impressive theologian” and “experienced shepherd”. “We mourn the loss of a personality who gave hope and direction to the church even in difficult times,” said Bätzing on Saturday. Pope Benedict made the voice of the gospel audible, whether it was convenient or not, said the Limburg bishop.

Bätzing said that his theological ability to think, his political judgment and his personal dealings with many people distinguished him. With “high respect” he thinks of his courageous decision in 2013 to resign from the office of Pope.

Bätzing also referred to the recent criticism leveled at the former Pope of dealing with cases of abuse during his time as Archbishop of Munich. “He asked forgiveness from those affected and yet questions remained unanswered,” said Bätzing.

The Evangelical Church in Germany paid tribute to the deceased’s contribution to ecumenism. “Joseph Ratzinger made theological contributions with great acumen and intellectual succinctness,” said Annette Kurschus, President of the Evangelical Church of Westphalia and Council Chair of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD). “As Cardinal and later as Pope Benedict XVI. he underlined what we had in common on ecumenical issues.”

“We share this concern (…) as the EKD and are still grateful for this accent today,” Kurschus continued. At the same time, the EKD agrees with Ratzinger that “a dialogue between the denominations is only possible on the basis of a clear personal profile”.

The EKD Council President also emphasized the resignation of the Catholic Church leader in 2013 for health reasons. This move “makes him deeply human.”

Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) paid tribute to Pope Benedict XVI. as a “convincing representative of the Catholic Church”. “The Death of Benedict XVI. I am very touched, just like many people in Bavaria and all over the world,” said Söder. With him, society has lost one of the most influential theologians of the 20th century.

“In turbulent and challenging times, he was the religious head of the Catholic faithful,” said Söder. “Many people in his home country will remember him not only as Pope Benedict XVI, but also as a humble pastor. He gave many people strength and orientation.” At the same time, Benedict XVI. also have to take responsibility for difficult phases in his work.

Unforgotten is his visit to Bavaria, which lasted several days, as the new Pope, “who expressed his love for the country and its people”: “He always carried his homeland in his heart.”

The CDU and the Union faction mourned the longstanding head of the Catholic Church, Friedrich Merz announced on Saturday. He explained: “Pope Benedict was able to trigger a new turn to the Catholic Church across all generations, especially in his home country Germany. It is with sadness and gratitude that we bow to the lifework of the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI.”

With the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. According to Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the world is losing a clever theologian. “As a “German” pope, Benedict XVI. for many, not only in this country, a special church leader,” wrote the SPD politician on Twitter. “The world is losing a formative figure in the Catholic Church, a controversial personality and a clever theologian. My thoughts are with Pope Francis.”

Federal Minister of Finance Christian Lindner also paid tribute to the achievements of the deceased. “The first German pope in 482 years passed away today,” wrote the FDP chairman on Twitter. And: “Benedict XVI was a historical figure and a not undisputed intellectual. But today we commemorate him as a human being.”

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni called Benedict XVI. after his death as a “giant of faith and reason”. The head of government called the German “a man for the love of the Lord, who has dedicated his life to the service of the universal Church and has spoken and will continue to speak to the hearts and minds of the people with the spiritual, cultural and intellectual depth of his teaching ministry”.