Life without the internet, smartphones and social media such as Instagram and Co. seems unimaginable to most. To ensure that the apps, platforms and applications are safe for their users and that the data is protected from unauthorized access, most tech companies still rely on passwords that each user can set themselves.

On average, each person alone has around 7.5 social media accounts. It can be difficult to keep track of which password is used where. Unfortunately, since we’re all human, we tend to be pretty sloppy when it comes to choosing our passwords – contrary to all security advice and advice. So it happens that in the year 2022 people will use the probably very obvious sequence of numbers “12345”, “hello” or even worse “password”. At least that’s what the current ranking of the password manager tool NordPass shows.

But before we tell you the ten most obvious passwords of all time, here is a question for you:

The data experts at NordPass, in collaboration with independent researchers, evaluated a three-terabyte database with anonymized passwords from a total of 30 countries. The result was that the word “password” alone was used more than 4.9 million times as a login in the available data sets in 2022 – and could be cracked by hackers in less than a second.

Let’s hope your password isn’t in this list. If so, you should change it urgently. The same applies to all other candidates who find themselves among the 200 most used passwords. You can check out the entire list here.

To best protect your data with a password, IT pros offer some pretty simple recommendations. The Federal Office for Security and Information Technology (BSI) advises first and foremost not to use just one password for all accesses – even if it meets all the recommendations for a secure password. In addition, if it is offered, you should always rely on secure two-factor identification. In addition, passwords should not be sent or saved unencrypted.

Under this link you will find all recommendations of the BSI for a secure password. NordPass experts recommend choosing a complex password with at least 12 characters, uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Using a password generator is the easiest way to create complex passwords. In order to keep track, you should not write down passwords on a piece of paper, but rather use a secure password manager.

By the way, these were the most popular passwords in 2021: