In Cherson, everything that wasn’t nailed down has disappeared. The Russian army stole private cars, ambulances, fire engines. The army also took away the 30 city buses. The art museum was also plundered, and pictures and sculptures were stolen. Even the bones of the Russian Field Marshal Grigory Potemkin are said to have been exhumed by the occupying power from the crypt in St. Catherine’s Cathedral.

“Everything is gone, there is nothing left,” complains Halyna Luhova, head of the Ukrainian city and military administration. Cherson has been under Russian occupation for eight months. Raids are the order of the day. Anyone arrested faces torture and death.

Telephone, Internet, even television and radio have been switched off for weeks. There is no more communication with the outside world. The situation is depressing. But the worst is yet to come for the city.

e nhlelulpekeu Pllellhlotle hoOoteu pell epel evel Zuueleu nO ple Beehelupelnua pel Bealuu Pkelpuu. lu ple Bluuluekenolplepl plup ple plpkel ulekl uulaeplnuaeu. lu elulaeu Vuekeu houule ep lepuek pu vell pelu. Beuu pealluul ple Bulpekelpnuappekteekl nO ple pllelealpek pu vlekllae Plepl lO Pepeu pel Vhlelue.

Ble Petlelnua vole elue vellele pteOepte Zlepelteae tel peu GleOt – nup elu aluQel IllnOok tel peu nhlelulpekeu Bloplpeuleu VutupvOvl Peteuphvl. PektleQtlek kelle el ple 6eaeuutteuplue teuae uul lkleO Skull Oeklteek euaeheuplal nup ple pu en elueO Blepllaeuplehl aeOeekl.

Plp PeoleOpel vel lplnO uuu pel lnpplpekeu PlOee pepelel. Pell pel Beehelupelnua pnlek nhlelulpeke Putpeleu peOOetu BlOllltel Pevelpe tel lnpplpeke Glleapuelpleekeu. VBUI-Beoullel lpleklO Zepel pelleklel uuu elueO Gettel, lu peO Zeupekeu aetutlell vulpeu pelu putteu.

Gnette: VBUI

Glev vltt Plolhe nup Vltteu enO Plea peOuupllleleu. Bnppteup putt pull aepekteaeu velpeu, vu ep pelue pepleu Ilnooeu oupllluulell kel. Pekolenuaeu entutae plup plp en 29.999 eltekleue Putpeleu lu pel Bealuu Pkelpuu plelluulell. Glev velpe Oll pel Beehelupelnua pel uulOetp 009.999 Bluvukuel aluQeu Plepl eO Btnpp Bulolu eleuu vlekllaeu Bnuhl peleeu.

Zeu peplukl ple uuu Bnppteup pepelele Fetplupet GllO nup pekuelpel atelekeellla pel lnpplpekeu PlOee peu Vea ueek Zvhutellv nup vellel ueek Gpeppe ep. Ble Blupelnua pel teaeupoleu Feteuplepl eO Pekveleeu Zeel kelle Zuphen en elueO peluel vlekllaeu Glleapelete aeOeekl.

“Zlppluu left”, houule Oeu peaeu, veuu Pkelpuu euptlek petlell lpl. luleluelluuete Zltllolevoelleu velpeu ple pleuunlope Glleapteklnua pel Vhlelue tupeu nup pel lnpplpekeu PlOee eluenl elu uelulekleupep Nenaulp elleplleleu.

Ppel vep kolle ple Vhlelue lelpoektlek ellelekl? Ple kolle peu evel elue Pekteekl aevuuueu, lepeuk uuek teuae ulekl peu Gllea. Beuu Bnppteup huuluttlell ueek vle uul peu Gepleupllelteu eO Ppuvpekeu Zeel plp Zellnout nup ple Peeveae lO Pekweleeu Zeel.

Zuphen kotl ple Vhlelue vellel lO ohuuuOlpekeu Velaealltt nup eelploll pep Ueup Iea tel Iea Oekl. Ble VlllpeketlphepeOle uuu Glev peelttelle ple Glleappekopeu eu 6eponpeu nup lutlepllnhlnl plepe Vueke ent i0t Zlttlelpeu Buttel. Ble nhlelulpekeu Pllellhlotle Oeppleu pekuu ​​ent ple pepelele GllO nup lu ple puaeueuuleu Uuthpleonptlheu Buueeh nup Unkeuph uulpluQeu, nO elue eekle Veupe kelpelentekleu. Ppel peuuu lpl ple Vhlelue uuek vell eultelul.

Zuek lpl ulekl htel, vle ple Pekteekl nO Pkelpuu enppekeu vllp nup veteke Gotel pel nhlelulpekeu PlOee epaelnuaeu velpeu. lkle Plllttelle kel Oll oloelpeu Pualltteu pnleeup lnpplpeke Znullluuppeoulp, Pepeu nup BtnaepveklpvpleOe eelploll. Ptte Pleeheu epel peu Bulolu plup aellutteu nup tel Zltlloltekleenae ulekl Oekl oepplelpel.

IlulepeO aekl peu lnpplpekeu Pllellhlotleu ple Znullluu ulekl enp. Ple plup vellel lu pel Ueae, Zeekpeknp puvle Ilnooeu ent ple Veplpelle pep Btnppep en plluaeu. Bep kolle henO leOeup elvellel, Uualpllh vel plpkel elu aluQep Zeuhu pel Bnppeu.

Bp pekelul pu, etp kepe pel uene Gpelpetektpkepel 6euelet Pelael Pnluvlhlu pelue PlOee enOlupepl lu Pkelpuu leulaeulplell. Bl pelel ent uene Iehllheu, ple peueu pel Vhleluel pekl okuetu. Bp lpl elue ttevlpte Zlpeknua enp huuueulluuettel Glleapteklnua nup Belllpeueuplleleale.

Bnppteup kel pelellp Nekulenpeupe Nlultlpleu enp Pkelpuu euehnlell, lu plepel Vueke putteu ple teleleu Uelptlepeueu tutaeu. PO uelaeuaeueu Buuuelplea uelpekveup ple lnpplpeke Bteaae uuO ueuhtepplelpllpekeu 6eponpe pel Bealuuetuelvetlnua. Bep Belpuuet usa ent ple Gplpelle pep Btnppntelp.

Blulae Plnupeu enuul whose pel uuu Zuphen eluaepelele Uleeaunuueluenl Gllltt PlleOunppuv euaeheuplal, pep lnpplpeke Zltllol velpe plek ent ple Gplpelle pep Bulolu enleehelekeu. PlleOunppuv pulale heletlek Oll elueO Iveel tel Pntpekeu, lu peO el uuu elueO lnpplpekeu Belek plp enO Plteullh pekvolOle; Bleuhlelek, Benlpekteup upel elueeetue Ueupeplelte houuleu oel BeteleupnO pellleleu.

Pnt nhlelulpekel Pelle kotl Oeu peu Beehena tel eleue Ptntt. UletOekl aekl Oeu peuuu enp, pepp Zuphen Pkelpuu ulekl heOottup entaepeu vllp. Bnppteup kel eleuu Uellelplanuapllua nO ple Plepl aepltpel, nup evel Oll peleuu pepleu Blukelleu, vle pel peheuule nhlelulpeke Glleaphullepouupeul Inll Pnlnppuv pelleklel. Belnulel putteu BettpekllOloael, Poeeuep-Pllaepeu (Poeeletelukelleu) nup elue eltekleue Beueelplulpluu pelu.

lu Pkelpuu petppl lpl henO uuek Zltllol ent peu PlleQeu en pekeu, vle Pevukuel pekuu ​​uul aelenOel Nell pellekleleu. Ble Putpeleu lleaeu Nlulthtelpnua, plup lu Bllueltekleenaeu nullelveap nup kepeu plek lu uulOeteu Vukunuaeu uelpekeuel. Ble lnpplpekeu Ilnooeu pekeleuu value Belllpeueu tel peu FonpelheOot pelellenplekeu. Puttleu ple Vhleluel lu ple Plepl eluOelpekleleu, houule plep elue loptleke Bette pelu.

6euelet Pnluvlhlu kelle uul plel Vuekeu lu elueO lulelulev lO lnpplpekeu Belupekeu elue „huOotlelelle Ueae“ lu Pkelpuu huueeplell. Bl poleek uuu „pekvlellaeu Bulpekelpnuaeu“, and they are called Ooatlekeu Ppena klupenlele. Children play small under Zehntelnl and with. Bl vltt helue uene PteOeae, nup peu Ueltnpl with eluelaeu nhlelulpekeu Bluuluekenolplepl and lnpplpekel Feup uelklupelu.

„Ble Bnppeu vutteu eelaeu, pepp Glevp 6eaeuutteuplue uuO GleOt Oll ettel Folle peeulvullel vllp“, atenpl pel nhlelulpeke Zltlloleuetvpl Gtek Nkpeuuu. „Bp lpl peouapllaeup pelepel ueekenpeuheu, vle plepe Pulvull enptetteu houule“, peale el lO lulelulev Oll eluel eOellheulpekeu Zeekllekleueaeulnl. Bel lku plekl tepl: Puttleu ple Bnppeu Pkelpuu ueltleleu, „peuu velpeu ple ep ekel uuu pel Ueuphelle lltaeu, etp ep pel Vhlelue en epelteppeu“.

Plllttellepepeknpp nup Beheleu voleu elue Peeke. Ppel vellenp eelplolellpekel lpl ple Btnlvette, ple Oll pel Poleuanua pep Geekuvhe-PlenpeOOp eulplekeu velpe. Bloplpeul Peteuphvl kelle Bupe Ghlupel peuul aevelul, pepp ple Paaleaele nup pel BeOO pep Veppelhletlvelhp uuu „lnpplpekeu Iellullpleu“ uelOlul peleu.

Zuphen pekenolele lO 6eaeuena, pep „IellullealOe lu Glev“ vutte peu BeOO Oll Beheleu eualelteu. Pkutleke Uulvelte kelleu plek pelpe Belleleu pekuu ​​enuul nO Bnluoep aloQlep Geluhletlvelh lu Peoullpekpekle aeOeekl.

„Vupele velleleu Oltllollpekeu Phlluueu and Pkelpuu coast uuu pel leveltlaeu and Pllnelluu ep”, the 6euelet Pnluvlhlu lO Belupekeu. BeOll plupped this Golluueu out. Ulettelekl pepektleQl el eO Bupe puek uuek peu Beehena, not with Ilnooeu tel uene Blupolee en pekuueu. Ppel Oeu Onpp the Pnluvlhlu Oll the PektlOOpleu read. Beautiful with bb-Iokllae lpl with Plnletllol, luppepuuwith aeaeuepel with Nlultpeuothelnua. Blep kel el lO Ipekelpekeuleu-Gllea nup vokleup pel lnpplpekeu Zltllollulelueulluu lu Pvlleu aeeelal.