The demonstrators marched through the historic center of Lima and arrived within a hundred meters of the Parliament, where they were blocked by riot police who used tear gas.

“I came to demonstrate to drive out this corrupt man. Castillo must leave,” Nancy Huarcaya, who paraded wearing a Peruvian football jersey, told AFP.

“Peru can’t take it anymore. We’re on the edge of the precipice, the economy has completely stopped,” added Carola Suarez, who was waving a Peruvian flag.

Other demonstrations, organized by political parties and civil organizations, took place in the cities of Piura and Chiclayo (north) as well as in Cusco and Arquipa (south). A counter-demonstration in support of Mr. Castillo also took place at the same time in Lima.

Arriving in power in July 2021 for a five-year term, Pedro Castillo has already survived two impeachment attempts by parliament, controlled by the right-wing opposition, and faces six prosecution investigations for corruption targeting him himself. as well as his family and close political allies.

This 53-year-old former schoolteacher denies any wrongdoing and claims to be the victim of a campaign to oust him from power. “I will be here until the last day of my mandate because my people have decided so,” he said during a ceremony at the presidential palace on Saturday.