According to media reports, every second job could be lost at the short message service Twitter after the takeover by Elon Musk. Many Twitter users are now worried: will this wave of layoffs affect the quality of the insults? Does the eccentric billionaire want to destroy the short message service and make it FC Schalke 04 on social media?

Not at all! “The changes in our employee structure will not be noticeable in any way,” Elon Musk reassured the angry Twitter community today on a visit to Herne, where he sealed the takeover of Werner Koslowski’s pigeon breeding business with an expensive blue tick as his signature.

According to the Tesla and SpaceX owner, users can still send messages, comments and abuse to the world to their heart’s content. All they would have to do is scatter some birdseed or breadcrumbs on their windowsill and wait for one of the microblogging service’s new feathered employees. This then quickly takes over the transport of the tweet and is also able to not just shit at others with mean words, but also literally.

According to Musk, Twitter is finally returning to its roots – it’s not for nothing that the logo shows a blue dove. In addition, the conversion of the service to smoke signals was classified as too risky by the legal department because of the risk of home fires and lawsuits from Native Americans, the 51-year-old admitted.

He also admitted that it is wrong not to inform the previous Twitter employees of their dismissal in person, but to send them an email. “This is now done by our carrier pigeons, who have voluntarily decided not to set up a works council,” Musk promised. He is not worried about the further fate of the short message service: “Everyone can see how I literally make Twitter fly!”

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