Not only the metropolises, but also Germany’s small towns have to prepare better: According to research by the ARD political magazine “Report Mainz”, the disaster protection authorities in many districts and cities are apparently not prepared for a longer power outage.

The magazine had asked more than 400 counties and urban districts as well as Berlin districts nationwide in the period September to early October, more than 200 municipalities took part in the survey.

When asked: “Does your administration have a power outage plan that everyone involved could access immediately in an emergency?” 101 municipalities answered “No”, as “Report Mainz” reported on Tuesday. When asked whether there are emergency wells in the area of ​​responsibility of the respective district or the city, 78 municipalities answered “No”.

Gerd Landsberg, Managing Director of the German Association of Towns and Municipalities, told the magazine: “Actually, the federal states should agree on a master plan for civil disaster control.” This must be implemented together with the municipalities. And you have to “try to get help from the federal government”.

Bavaria’s Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) is “very open” to the demands of the municipalities, as he said “Report Mainz”. However, he usually very quickly comes across a large number of mayors who say: “I know that myself, I don’t need any clever advice from Berlin or Munich or anywhere else.” The risk of major power outages must be taken very seriously become, warned Herrmann.

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