Now the robot dog can also make “barrels”: The NRW police have purchased a second so-called walking robot, which also has a gripping arm. According to the responsible State Office for Central Police Services (LZPD), the experience with the first “Spot” robot was so good that a second one is now being tested.

Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) presented the first walking robot – with police colors pasted over it – in January at an appointment in the NRW police innovation lab. The device had its first major use a little later: the investigators sent “Spot” through a destroyed residential complex in Essen after a devastating fire. According to the LZPD, the first robot dog is still in use. The second is currently being “tested together with the specialist departments.”

A promotional video by the manufacturer “Boston Dynamics” shows what the robotic dog with an arm can do: It shows a “spot” robot picking up things and placing them in a container on its back. Another helps clean up the room. Curious highlight: two robotic dogs with arms play with a third skipping rope.