At “RN, we are not afraid of threats of dissolution”, launched the president of the far-right group. Faced with the “arrogance” of the executive, the National Rally “will also vote for the motion presented” by the Nupes “in acceptable terms”, indicated Ms. Le Pen at the podium.

RN like Nupes denounced an atmosphere of “end of reign” with the use of 49.3, which allows the budget of the State and that of Social Security to be passed without a vote.

Speaker of the left-wing coalition, the president of the environmental group Cyrielle Chatelain accused the executive of muzzling the Assembly. “The 49.3 is the weapon of the weak”, “the weapon of those who are short of arguments”, she estimated.

She castigated the Prime Minister’s “lies” and her climate “inaction”: “your planning is a masquerade” and the objective of “bringing 15,000 homes out of their thermal sieve status” is “ridiculously low”, said she so judged.

The oppositions criticized the government for “sweeping” amendments voted by the Assembly, in particular the increase in the taxation of “superdividends”, proposed by the Modem in the majority, but rejected by the executive.

These motions respond to Article 49.3 of the Constitution activated twice on Wednesday and Thursday by the Prime Minister to pass without a vote the revenue parts of the social security finance and financing bill.

The joint discussion should last some two and a half hours, not counting Elisabeth Borne’s response. Then the deputies will vote in the neighboring rooms of the hemicycle. Only votes for motions are counted.

The same pattern will be repeated in the evening for Social Security, with another Nupes motion presented by the socialist Jérôme Guedj from 9:30 p.m. Since the beginning of the Fifth Republic, this is the first time that three motions of censure have been examined on the same day.

They have a priori no chance of winning the absolute majority of 289 votes, necessary to bring down the government.

Because the right has already warned that it would not vote for them so as not to “add disorder to disorder”.

“If one day we have to vote for a motion of censure, it is the one we will have chosen to table. And we do not refrain from doing it”, commented Sunday on Radio J Olivier Marleix, the leader of the 62 LR deputies.

A single motion of censure was adopted under the Fifth Republic, in 1962, bringing down the government of Georges Pompidou.

– “Blocking” –

“What those who are tabling motions of censure are proposing is to add crisis to crisis by ensuring that France does not have a budget and by overthrowing the government,” said the Minister of Foreign Affairs on Sunday. Public Accounts Gabriel Attal.

A rejection of the motions of censure would allow the adoption of the revenue parts of the finance bill (PLF) and that of the Secu for 2023. And to continue the examination of these two texts.

In the absence of an absolute majority for the Macronists in the Assembly, these two 49.3 are probably the first of a long series during this budgetary autumn.

In the version of the budget submitted to 49.3 on Monday, the executive retained around a hundred amendments voted on during the debate, but neither from the RN nor from LFI and not the most sensitive.

The government “lacks a sense of compromise and did not understand the result of the legislative elections”, judged Marine Le Pen on Sunday evening on TF1.

“They did not take over any significant amendment, that is to say which would have had a financial impact, from Nupes”, regretted the chairman of the Finance Committee, Eric Coquerel (LFI). “The search for compromise remains a word”, added the president of the socialist group, Boris Vallaud.

“A good budget cannot be the sum of amendments, however constructive they may be”, decided the rapporteur Jean-René Cazeneuve (Renaissance).

In this 2023 budget, the government claims a balance between control of public finances and the “protection” of the French, thanks to a “tariff shield” of 45 billion euros to limit the increase in regulated tariffs to 15%. electricity and gas.
