The harder someone lies, the more uncomfortable the truth is. If things go according to this principle, then the revolt in Tehran’s Evin prison is indeed a red flag for the Iranian leadership.

At first, pro-government media tried to completely negate the uprising behind bars. The explosions occurred during an escape attempt in the minefield that partially surrounds the facility. The leadership later admitted that the inmates were rebelling, but stressed that this had nothing to do with the political protests taking place across the country. It was petty criminals who rehearsed the uprising here.

Then a TV report showed peaceful prison corridors – but not from the wing where the protest really broke out. What the leadership wants to say: We have everything under control. What the attentive observer understands: They are afraid.

In fact, Evin is, among other things, the central prison for political prisoners in the capital, Tehran. Countless demonstrators were kidnapped here, imprisoned, tortured and systematically raped. If anywhere in Iran many people come together who are willing to take great risks in the fight for their freedom, then it is in Evin.

What exactly is happening behind the walls cannot be said with certainty from the outside. But it is very possible that the political uprising has reached the world inside the repressive apparatus. And even if it had only been a revolt by shoplifters and other small-time crooks – it still calls into question the functioning of the system at an explosive point.

Nowhere does a state rule in the same totality as in a prison. Nowhere does he regulate people’s lives in so many details, nowhere can he enforce his rules with such violence and, above all, with such superiority.

Where this fails, the state appears vulnerable. Especially when repression is such an important element in running a social model as it is in Iran’s clerical rule. And this rule seems particularly vulnerable when it fails at a place whose name stands as a symbol for this repression.

That is why the Evin rebels – whoever they are – have been rehearsing, at least symbolically, a departure that could have consequences for Iran. In any case, the current uprising has called into question much of what was believed to be known about the country’s inability to change.

The protests are affecting a wider area and more numerous populations than ever before, lasting longer than most uprisings and yet fewer people have died. Apparently because the demonstrators deliberately rely on incessant flash mobs instead of a few large rallies. This movement is designed to persevere. This might be her only chance.