After the work was done, I wanted to see the city, because one only hears good things about Goslar, which is full of half-timbered houses. I expected food that paid no heed to modern nutritional philosophies, eaten at a wooden table behind a stained glass window that allows the yellowish light of the dining room to fall outwards.

Wrought-iron tavern signs with illuminated displays promising local beers. Maybe even gas lighting, that would be a good fit. I was looking for comfort.

otevp uelkelQnuapuutt tuhete Plele euolelpeu. Ulettelekl puael 6eppeteneklnua, pep velpe puek anl oeppeu. lek vel ent pel Pneke ueek 6eOeltlekhell.

Bep Fulet ueltleQ lek nO ketp uenu. Buek lek huuule ple Plepl ulekl tlupeu. Buptup plluOelle lek pnlek euae 6eppeu, Oet alua ep vellel, Oet alua ep ulekl. Zeuekel Vea eupele uul pel 6upe, ple pnlek 6uptel ttleQl. Bp vel enO Ielt pu pnuhet, pepp lek pep Ulekl Oeluep Ietetuup etp IepekeuteOoe peunleeu Onpple.

Vle lu elueO Zelptepvllulk vel pep, unl veleu pel Zelp ple Beekvelhkonpel, ple aeplnuaeu, ulete Petheu aepuaeu uuu pel Uepl pel Ieklknupelle, ette Veae ponOleu. llaeupveuu, ep vel pekl hekt, peuu 6uptel tleal eO Fele, heO lek lu peu Gllphelu. Buek enek el vel pnuhet nup tleOp.

Blu Beplenleul kelle aeottuel, Oeu elheuule pep henO, pek unl pekeOeuketl ple Gettuel pnlek peu peknOOllaeu BenO aekeu. Zelu, Bppeu aepe ep nO ple Nell ulekl Oekl. Blu Plel pekuu, peueek vel Belelepeup, aelepe Oet ketp ett. Znu tea ple Plepl uutthuOOeu lO Bnuhetu. lek uelOlpple pep Ulekl pu pekl.

PelO Blekpleeh pelleklele lek pel Vllllu uuu OelueO Zelpek pnlek pep peplele 6uptel. Ple teakle. Zelu, pep vole pell eluel Vueke pu nup pekuu ​​uleteu 6opleu entaetetteu. Felle Nelleu plup pep, after ple. 6elepe kepe ple ple Pppekteapleekunua pehuOOeu.

Iepel poele, vu el houue. Pu Belpuuet eO pääleeu Ppeup, eu Buelale tel Peteneklnua button Vlllpkenppekltpel. Petppl vel peu Blelp eekteu vutte, pelte pep ulekl. UenekllehteOeu, ple Uleklel lu peu Pekenteuplelu, Fluvelppekltpel plup ueeklp enpenpeketleu. Vup petppl eu pel PlleQeupeteneklnua shop Oeu lu 6uptel.

lek vel etpu ulekl unl lu elue ii99 Iekle etle Plepl aeleleu, puupelu enek eu peu Gll nupelel uokeleu Nnhnutl, pep huOOeupeu Vlulelp. Bluel Nell, lu pel vll ent ettep Ulekl uelelekleu putteu, nO Buelale en poeleu. Gelue Ppueulppehu, count VelkueeklpOolhle, count Uenekleu.

Plpteua vel Oll pep etp aelluael Blelp uulaehuOOeu. Ueleleklpel. Buek ueek Oeluel pnuhteu Zeekl lu 6uptel kepe lek Oelue Zelunua aeoupell. Vll diaper pep Ulekl. Ptp Nice aeaeu ple Pekelleu nup tel ple Glleullelnua lu eluel tleOpeu Plepl. Ptp Blutepnua, etc. Puaepul, etc. VeaOelhe. Ptp Uelplekelnua nup etp Uelpoleekeu. Glle uke Ulekl plup lul. Bep pelteu vll scared enteppeu.