A comic strip on the genesis of Star Wars, Lucas Wars, by Laurent Hopman and designer Renaud Roche, received two prizes awarded by public media the same week. Awarded the Franceinfo prize for current affairs and reporting comics on Tuesday, this same title received the Fnac France Inter BD prize on Friday.

This comic book published in October by Deman Editions recounts the extreme difficulties of director George Lucas in preparing and filming Star Wars, released in 1977. The reader meets the George Lucas before the glitter and discovers a part of the story of Hollywood, at the dawn of this science fiction revival. The authors deliver in-depth work, for Star Wars fans, but also (and above all) for others.

Also read: “It’s impossible to tell the story of Star Wars by giving George Lucas or Disney a say”

Star Wars will become the fourth episode of the science fiction saga, in chronological order, and a great Hollywood classic. But George Lucas had to persist, “from casting hell to nightmarish filming, where quarrels between actors, secret love affairs and messy disasters punctuate daily life”, according to the publisher’s summary.

The jury of the Fnac France Inter prize praised in a press release “an apnea dive into the throes of creation, intense and poignant, but funny despite everything”. That of Franceinfo appreciated “the formidable dynamics of this true story treated as a breathtaking thriller with stylized aesthetics and realism, which pleasantly sheds light on a little-known episode”.