“We will govern for all Italians.” Giorgia Meloni, whose post-fascist party Fratelli d’Italia came out on top in Sunday’s legislative elections (26.3% according to partial results), has claimed the leadership of the next government. The coalition it forms with the other far-right eurosceptic party, the League of Matteo Salvini (8.9%), and Forza Italia (8%), the conservative party of Silvio Berlusconi, would collect around 44% of the vote , according to figures from the Italian Interior Ministry, which guarantees him an absolute majority of seats in both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. “The Italians have sent a clear message in favor of a right-wing government led by Fratelli d’Italia,” said Giorgia Meloni in a brief press address in Rome, forgetting however to mention the historic abstention of around 36% according to franceinfo.

In France, the ballot was closely followed. The interim president of the National Rally (RN), Jordan Bardella, salutes “a lesson in humility to the European Union, which, through the voice of Mrs. Von Der Leyen (the President of the European Commission) claimed to dictate their vote .”

For her part, the patroness of the National Rally in the Assembly, Marine Le Pen tweeted: “The Italian people have decided to take their destiny into their own hands by electing a patriotic and sovereignist government. Congratulations to Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini for having withstood the threats of an anti-democratic and arrogant European Union by achieving this great victory!”

The boss of Reconquête, Eric Zemmour, also split a message on Twitter: “Deaf to injunctions to back down and refusing any ideological and political compromise, for four years they have been leading the cultural battle head-on, are established in all territories and speak with all right-wing forces”, explained the ex-candidate of the far right. “I extend my congratulations to Madame Meloni and express my joy for the Italian people. A proud and free people who refuse to die”.