After the fatal shot at a 34-year-old at a Stadtbahn station in Hanover, the investigators caught the suspected shooter. The 22-year-old was arrested in his mother’s apartment in Hamelin, said the spokeswoman for the public prosecutor’s office in Hanover, Kathrin Söfker, on Thursday. Police special forces (SEK) were involved in the arrest on Wednesday evening. The German is accused of manslaughter.

According to investigators, he is suspected of having shot the 34-year-old at least twice on February 28 in the Döhren district. A shot hit the victim in the stomach. The man succumbed to his injuries shortly after the crime.

As witnesses observed in a bar opposite the stop late in the evening, the 34-year-old and the 22-year-old got off the train together. Whether there had already been a dispute between them during the journey is the subject of the investigation, said Söfker. The officials found the suspected perpetrator by evaluating a smartphone, among other things. “A mobile phone was secured at the bus stop, which the perpetrator could have lost,” the spokeswoman explained.

Images from this mobile phone were compared with video recordings from the train. The witnesses would also have recognized the suspect in these pictures.

After the shots, the young shooter fled on foot with a woman. The witnesses initially described him as a 17-year-old in a light winter jacket. According to Söfker, clothing and two firearms were secured in the apartment where the arrest was made in Hamelin. It is now being investigated whether one of the weapons is the murder weapon.

The suspect was due to be brought before the magistrate on Thursday. According to the authorities, he has already been charged with property crimes – i.e. theft – but has no previous convictions for violent crimes. According to Söfker, the investigators have so far had no evidence that the alleged perpetrator and the victim knew each other on the train before they met – and the possible argument. The background is still unclear.

According to media reports, the 34-year-old was on his way home from work when he was shot dead at the bus stop. He and his family lived very close by. Flowers and candles at the bus stop also commemorated the victim of the violent crime on Thursday.