“The coup against the Strängnäs cathedral”

“22-year-old convicted of domkyrkokuppen – jail”

“Eskilstuna district court judge after the theft of riksäpple and crowns”

“His dna was found on the broken booth and the two stolen crowns. “

“finally recognized the 22-year-old also involvement in the coup against the Strängnäs cathedral.”

“Now the man has been sentenced to prison.”

“The 22-year-old man who admitted involvement in the domkyrkokuppen in Strängnäs has been sentenced to four and a half years in prison for aggravated theft and tried for aggravated theft.”

“the district Court said in a press release:”

“”the district Court has found that the accused resorted to three objects that represented parts of Karl IX and Kristina of the elderly begravningsregalier. The defendants have acknowledged this and left traces that binds him to the objects. The district court also has against his denial found that he tried to resort to the additional three begravningsregalier that were stored in the same place.””

“was Interrupted by the glädjebesked”

“the Trial of 22-year-old started in the end of January, but got a week later to be discontinued – after a glädjebesked. Then had the regalia found. They were found in a bin with the word ”bomb” written on the side – sectioned on a car in a parking lot.”

“One could quickly conclude that the finding is really related to the stolen regalia, which had been damaged in the handling of the stöldgodset. “

“In connection with the trial, took a break arrested a further two men, suspected of involvement in the kyrkokuppen. A study on men is still in progress. “

“Still looking for the police witnesses to the coup, and, in particular, a fisherman who is reported to have the help kyrkotjuvarna when their boat broke down. “

“In flight had a 22-year-old and the “assistants” used bikes to a waiting boat. But then, something went wrong.”

” Something happens so their boat breaks down. So they are lying still out in the water. It is then guy number one comes and picks them up and towing them, and towing them between Arnö and Okno, said police investigator Patrick Zanders to the ”Called for”.”

“Even the boat got in trouble when the petrol ran out, and another man, the fisherman, helps to. “

“– There is a guy in the 40-50 years of age. He sits in a small white rowing boat and on the boat is a outboard motor and a small electric motor in the bow. This person who is sitting and the fish takes over bogseringen. “

“Patrick Zanders continues:”

“– He is superviktig for us to get in touch with for, he probably trailed the two perpetrators, and probably with the goods.”

“July 31, 2018: At lunchtime carried out a brazen coup against the Strängnäs cathedral. Two people seen leaving the church area on a bicycle and fleeing by boat from a jetty close to the church.”

september 13, 2018: A 21-year-old man from a municipality in Stockholm county, is arrested suspected of the theft. He unhooked then on probable grounds suspected of aggravated theft. The man denies.”

“January 30, 2019: the Trial begins in Eskilstuna district court. Prosecutor Isabelle Bjursten passes through a technical examination of the church and the surrounding park. The list of places and items where the accused man’s blood has been found is long.”

“January 31, 2019: The now 22-year-old man said during questioning that he did not know the coup – and that he does not even know what a cathedral is. He says that he was commissioned to steal the bikes to another person.”

“February 5, 2019: the Hearing is interrupted at 9 o’clock of a glädjebesked regalia looks to have been found.”

“February 8, 2019: A 24-year-old man arrested suspected of involvement in the return of the regalia. He denies the allegations.”

“February 10, 2019: Further, a man, 26 years old, arrested on probable cause suspected of aggravated theft in the case.”

“14 February 2019: According to the supplement, which prosecutors submitted to the district court in Eskilstuna is the accused man’s dna on two of the stolen objects.”

“February 15, 2019: the Last förhandlingsdagen recognizes the man that he stole the regalia.”