Almost a job full-time but more! On average, since the beginning of the confinement, the parents, spent 28 extra hours per week to household chores, cooking and the education of their children, according to a survey by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), conducted between march 20 and April 3, with more than 3000 assets in five countries (United States, United Kingdom, Italy, France and Germany).

see also : Our survey: how the containment has altered the composition of households

If almost half of parents say they share the tasks of daily equally, the study highlights that “the crisis has only served to increase inequalities, and women suffer more”: since the beginning of the containment, the additional time spent in the management of these tasks is, in fact, 17% higher for mothers than for fathers.

France is well ranked

France, however, is rather better classified as some of the neighbours, with a difference of only 7%, compared to 28% for the United States and 27% for Italy. In this context, almost all respondents agree that their company has well-supported, whether through more flexibility in the work (40%), a reduction of working time (30%), a new division of responsibilities in the team (22 %). But this has not prevented an impact on the work. Half of the respondents had the feeling of being “lost in efficiency due to daily responsibilities additional”. And one-third are “concerned about the impact of this mental load on the review of their performance by their employer,” concludes BCG.

The editorial team conseilleLe telework should be up to the étéSujetBoston Consulting Group1 commentaireAnonymele 25/05/2020 17:49

would Like, would like, work in the home would not be non-existent ?

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