“The 29-year-old cut the throat of the gf – convicted for murder”

“The 32-year-old woman was subjected to solid knivvåld and got the neck cut off. “

“the Boyfriend – who initially blamed it on masked men – was sentenced today to 15 years and 10 months in prison for the murder. “

“the Night of the 10 april, the SOS alarm a call about a lifeless woman at an address in Åhus. When emergency responders arrived at the scene found a woman in her 30s dead on the floor inside a house. She had suffered greatly knivvåld and the neck was cut off. “

“Her partner, a 29-year-old man, was arrested on the spot. He had blood on his hands, and was himself wounded in a hand. The man was arrested, suspected of murder.”

“the Kristianstad district court has today sentenced the man to prison for 15 years and 10 months for murder. The man should also pay 187 000 sek in damages to the woman’s relatives. “

“Prosecutor Martin Hansson is happy with the outcome:”

“– It was reasonably as expected. The legislator’s intention is that the murder has to give lifetime, but the practice looks different. On the basis of it has the district court passed on my line, ” he says.”

“the 29-year-old convicted against their denial. “

“the Man has admittedly confessed that he cut the woman in the neck but said it was self-defense. The woman had started to argue first, and threatened him with a knife, he claimed. “

“During the investigation, the man has changed his version about what has happened to the woman several times. Initially, he claimed that two masked men had come to their home at night and that one of them had forced him off during the knife attacs. The man would have forced the 29-year-old to drive him to a larger road where he wanted to be dropped off. When my boyfriend came back to the house, his girlfriend, dead on the floor. “

“The version told 29-year-old already when he himself alerted the 112. “

“– There were two, two men who broke into here, one of them, they had a knife and, one of them forced me to run he away to the bridge and drop of where he was, and then when I come back … then she lay dead on the floor, ” said the man in the larmsamtalet. “

“the Paramedics who were on site responded to the man seemed uncaring about the fact that his girlfriend was dead. “

“One other relative who was on hand was more distraught and cried. “

“the Story of the two men was 29-year-old onto for two months, until he, under the interrogation was confronted with the police’s findings. “

“In a återvinningscontainer, the police had found a bloody plastic bag. In the plastic bag were three big bloody knives. The blood on the plastic bag belonged to 29-year-old and the blood on the knives was the woman’s. “

“once Again the tried 29-year-old wriggle. He said that he had thrown away the knives because he was afraid. “

“Then the offending interrogator to 29-year-old chosen to obtain away the knives before he alerted the 112.”

“– Yes, afraid that I would like not to become trusted, or so here it was. It looked like it did as well as, the man answered then. “

“under the Influence of drugs.”

“Prosecutor Martin Hansson points out that the 29-see her bold fashion declaration that he acted in self-defense was completely unlikely. The man had a cut in his hand, which he possibly could have caused itself. The woman was stabbed and cut in the face and neck, very many times.”

“– Injuries were so extensive that the pathologist could not specify the exact number of injuries towards the neck. There was very extensive damage to the face, focusing around the neck, ” says Martin Hansson.”

“Both the man and his girlfriend had a substance abuse problem. 29-year-old was under the influence of drugs when he was arrested, and police found both cocaine and cannabis in the house. “

“the district Court writes in its ruling that the sanctions in relation to the act equivalent to 16 years’ imprisonment. But because the man has been detained for a long time lowered the punishment to 15 years and 10 months. “

“Aftonbladet have searched 29-see her bold fashion lawyer, Björn Hurtig. “