Would the lives of the great historical counter Stefan Zweig yet, he had the 9. November 1989, probably long ago in his “star hours of mankind” recorded: “Such dramatically concentrated, such a fate is pushed along pregnant hours, in which a timeless decision on a single date, a single hour and often just for a Minute, are rare in the life of an Individual and, rarely, in the course of history.” There is no doubt that the legendary press conference of Guenter Schabowski such an exception hour. It was held in the International press centre of the GDR in the Mohr road, 36-37 and lasted from 18 to 19 o’clock, the crucial words fell shortly before the finish.

A well-researched Moment of German history, one would think, and yet there is still dispute about the Details – in this case, the question is, who’s here because of that Individual was, caused the star to the hour? It was only a one – or was it the Interaction of several people, without that you could separate hair precisely and clarify who would ascribe now a wreath of honor?

Two former “Bild”-Reporter fighting for the honor

As reported by smolders to an old, now again swept dispute between the two former “image”correspondent Peter Brinkmann and Hennes Schulz. You require each a decisive role for himself and speak to the rival any involvement. Both are looking for this, among other things with the image, and to demonstrate sound recordings of the press conference. To her there is of the fall of the Berlin wall specialists Hans-Hermann Hertle, a historian at the Potsdam centre for contemporary historical research, a detailed transcript with the respective assignment of the questions and heckling. Brinkmann is called repeatedly and keeps the transcript for the correct. Schulz remains unnamed, and to doubt the representation.

A piece of paper that changed the world, all the pictures in view 1 of 9Foto: Oliver Berg/dpa16.04.2015 12:34a employees placed on 15.04.2015 in Bonn (North Rhine-Westphalia) in the house of the history of the Schabowski-note. The paper is…Back for More

The press conference – not the complete, but the key passages can be found easily in the network, a source at the German broadcasting archive (DRA) in Potsdam-stock record of the Transmission of the GDR television. Material from other stations there. Brinkmann recalls, many of the present camera crews would have had their devices because of the beginning of the boring course of the press conference is already off. He does not know yet of a supposedly in Moscow, bearing the record of the Russian television, knows it. Also, the West Berliner SFB is not used then the Material of DDR1, about more records you have, the RBB.

daily mirror people


order As a source for the reconstruction of the historical minutes, only the relatively objective, but also not completely without interpretations, analyzable TV recording so in addition to the subjective, after almost 30 years of not always flawless memories of the Parties and of other a guarantee people. Some of it is through careful and repeated Viewing of the passages clear, another could be without last doubt only by electronic comparison of the acoustic fingerprint of the current voting – and historical sound samples to clarify what might be something a lot of effort. Also, it is questionable whether the votes are unchanged.

Only one of them is to identify in the recorded TV clear

In the recording of the press conference Peter Brinkmann is identify as a Person. In the former course of the press conference, he asks a question to the freedom of the press in the GDR, before, asked Schabowski, imagine. You can see exactly where he sits in the first row, extreme square to the left of the Central corridor, which feeds on the Podium. Schabowski sits there in the middle. In addition to Brinkmann, the Austrian Journalist Werner Stanzl sat, followed by another Reporter, whose face is obscured in the case of the short image pans to the press audience from the camera lens in addition to be a photographer. The invisible man would still be more been to the left of the mark Hennes Schulz, indicates today, between him and Brinkmann “sat”photographer.

it is Undisputed, however, that the impetus for the decisive Phase of the press conference, a quarter of an hour before its end, the Italian Journalist Riccardo Ehrman from the news Agency Ansa, as he asks for the a few days previously featured Travel bill of the GDR. He, too, is clearly identifiable, it was a bit late, seated immediately below the podium. Schabowski got to the travel act shortly before the press conference, a paper by Egon Krenz, the General Secretary of the SED. It is the result of the recent deliberations of the Central Committee, at which Schabowski only partially participated. A lock-up period of up to 10. November, 4 PM, is, Krenz told him. The content of the new regulation Schabowski does not “summarize” in a tone of voice that fits so to sensational content: “And that is why we have decided to make today a regulation that makes it to every citizen of the GDR possible, via the border crossing points of the GDR to leave.”

In the previously established listening audience, it is restless, Hertles transcript of recorded “voices”, from the, some questions emerge. Ehrmann, clearly identifiable, asks twice “Without a passport?”, from the Off, you hear the – of Hertle US journalist Krzysztof Janowski awarded – the question of when the kick in. Schabowski seems to have acoustically understood, asks, “Please?”, as another questioner a pressing “now? …“ According to the will.

“now?” is asked from the Background

And thus the dispute to the respective contribution to the stern begins hour. According to Schulz’s memories, the question has arisen Ehrmann, Brinkmann assured, however, that it was he. The Video helps here. Ehrmann, it is not clear, and there are no lip movements, and he turns away from Schabowski. Although the “From now on?”-Question from the Off, but Brinkmann is to identify, at least indirectly, as the author of: A woman in a white blouse is turned off to pass the microphone to each questioner. At the Moment the question turns to where Brinkmann is the microphone for his short question but.

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