Violent assaults and life threats sent a 32-year-old man a year and three months in prison Friday in the Court in Hjørring.

the Man was convicted of a total of ten episodes, which unfolded in the period 29. may 2018 to 3. november 2018. The most violent episode took place 25. October, where kæresteparret was visiting voldsmandens mother in Ribe.

It informs anklagerfuldmægtig Jesper Flensburg to the North.

On the way to his mother, chose the 32-year-old man to stop at a rest area, after which he struck his girlfriend several times in the head, spat on her and grabbed her around the neck.

he Then forced her to go into the woods, where he ordered her to dig his own grave with his bare hands.

He threatened her life with, that he had the cartridges intended for the murder of her and her ex-girlfriend.

eventually he gave her an ultimatum: To see him have sex with another woman, or to die.

The 32-year-old pleaded guilty to some of the charges, but the Court in Hjørring found him guilty of all charges.

He was also convicted of having threatened her life if she went to the police.

the Man in custody, until he shall serve his sentence.