“The 45-year-old flyktingspion custody – spied on individuals”
“The 45-year-old man accused of spying on individuals.”
“today was arrested he by the Stockholm district court on probable cause.”
“– the Aim is to go a foreign power at hand, ” said the prosecutor, Hans-Jörgen Ranström.”
“those suspected of The crimes should have taken place in Stockholm county, sweden, between 10 april 2018 and 30 september 2018.”
“In the day time he is on probable cause suspected of aggravated unlawful intelligence activities against the person.”
“Several people have been exposed, told the prosecutor after the häktningsförhandlingen.”
“– It is a flyktingspionage and it is alleged that the person has acquired personal data from the what we can say is a grouping or several people, ” said the prosecutor, Hans-Jörgen Ranström on Riksenheten for national security.”
“Collusion with a foreign power.”
“He does not want to disclose which state that the man suspected to be spying for.”
“– the Aim is to go a foreign power provide but I am not prepared to mention which state it is, ” says Hans-Jörgen Ranström.”
“He states that the 45-year-old has dual citizenship. But the nationality of the man has, in addition to the English he does not want to say either. Aftonbladet noted however that the man has a background of a country in the Middle east.”
“I do not want to go into any detail about it,” says Hans-Jörgen Ranström.”
“He said that the security police investigation will now continue with the analysis of the material”. At the same time, the suspect, 45-year-old sitting in custody at the remand centre, Kronoberg, in Stockholm, with full restrictions.”
“the Man’s lawyer Hanna Lindblom was covered during the hearing with yppandeförbud and may therefore not say anything about the investigation.”
” I can’t say more than that he denies the crime, she says to Aftonbladet.”
“the 45-year-old was arrested in Stockholm at 11.50 yesterday. The operation of the security service with the support of the Police. The man had been arrested in his absence since Monday.”
“How the Swedish security service caught the eye of 45-see her bold fashion activities, the public prosecutor Hans-Jörgen Ranström’t say anything about that. The fbi has earlier in the week, however, indicated that they worked with the investigation against the man ”for a long time and carried out intensive intelligence and investigation”.”
“In a press release the Fbi also stated that flyktingspionage generally is a method for states to try to prevent refugees from expressing criticism of the regime in the country they have fled.”