The Grand coalition wants to close the radio holes in the country. In order for this to succeed, should, if necessary, be mobile forced wireless providers to open their networks to competitors – for a fee. There will be a dispute over the amount.
The Federal government is arguing about the so-called local, Roaming in the construction of the new 5G cellular networks, the radio should be holes on the Land finally disappear. An example: A O2 customer to be able to use the Telecom network when there is network there. O2 would have to pay for Deutsche Telekom’s rent. How high is this power to be rent, there is now a dispute. Because the fear of lawsuits, the wireless service provider is growing.
SPD Deputy in the Bundestag, Sören Bartol, warns that the net rent is cheap, builds masts companies have their own mobile phone. “If you let others on his Mast, then that also must be paid decently,” said Bartol. “But it is precisely at such Points, it didn’t work then, and there was no agreement.” Because: The Federal Ministry for economic Affairs Peter Altmaier, the CDU, wants to prevent high hurdles when Roaming.
Close the radio holes with 5G?
tomorrow magazine, 26.11.2018, Stephan Ebmeyer, SWR
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